Yandere (Ego X Jack #9)

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Yandere was the only female ego of Mark's. She was weird though. This'll be fun. "My turn?" Yan said looking smug. "Yes yan...." Mark said annoyed as Yan took over. "Jackiiii." Yan said in a song song tone as she found Jack getting ready to take a shower. "Oh hey Yan. Long time no see." Jack said looking away. He was scared of her but knew he had to or else she might kill him. "Taking a shower? Without me?" She pouted. "No I was waiting for you." Jack said giving her a sweet kiss. She got undressed as Jack already was. They got into the shower and Jack pinned her against the wall. "You ready?" Jack said looking at her as she nodded. He slowly entered and waited for her to adjust. "Move." She said wanting the pain to be over. He slowly started thrusting but soon went faster. He soon found her g-spot. "There!" She moaned out loudly. Jack took this opportunity to explore her mouth. "Damn." Jack said as he kept pounding into her. "You're so tight." Jack moaned as he started sucking her sweet spot. "I'm close, Jack." She moaned out. "Me too." Jack groaned as he went harder. She soon came on his member and he came inside her. Mark took over once Yan was asleep. Just two more was all.

A/N I hope you enjoyed! Until next time bye bye!

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