List Of Mark's Ego's I'm Doing

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I will be doing: Wilford Warfstache, Yancy, Illinois, Google, Bing, Damien, The Host, Jim, Yandere, King of the Squirrels (this one will be fun to write). Also sorry I'm doing WAY more than what I did for Jack's. Mark has more egos that I can do and not get writer's block. So I'll make a numbered list:

1. Wilford Warfstache
2. Yancy
3. Illinois
4. Google
5. Bing
6. Damien
7. Host
8. Jim
9. Yandere (this one will be fun)
10. King of the Squirrels (again this'll be fun)
11. Bim Trimmer (this'll be interesting along with Host)

Maybe I will do one where Sam and Tim become humans and they have their fun too. Sam would be x Mark and Tim would be x Jack. I don't know for sure but that's the list and that's all there will be. Sorry if there was a specific one you wanted to see. But I will post them later today or tomorrow! Hope you guys are enjoying this! Byeeeee

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