Google (Ego X Jack #4)

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"Hey Mark." Google said as he glitched a tiny bit. "You need an update google." Mark stated as he force updated google. After the update Google was mad so he took over Mark's body. "For revenge I'm going to go fuck your boyfriend." Google snarled as Mark sighed. Google went to find Jack but he was sleeping. "I don't want to wake him." Google whispered as he got into bed with Jack. The next day came and Google was laying in bed. He was really horny but again didn't want to wake Jack. "Morning Google." Jack said looking up at Google sleepily. "Morning beautiful." He said as he gave the younger a kiss. Jack giggled at this. "Someone's got a problem, huh?" Jack said pointing to Google's hard on. He bit his lip and nodded. "Let's fix that." Jack said pulling his boxers down as he got undressed. Google didn't wear a shirt to bed. Jack slowly pushed down onto his hard on. "Fuck." Jack said as he tilted his head back and started slowly bouncing. Google grabbed Jack's hips and pushing him down harder. "Shit." Jack said moaning out. Google pushed Jack back onto the bed and starting ramming into his ass. "God you're tight." Google said as he kept pounding into his ass. He soon found his prostate. "There!" Jack moaned out loudly. Soon Jack came on their lower stomachs and soon G0ogle released deep inside him. "Shit. That was amazing." Jack said as he cuddled to Google who was soon Mark again. Mark smiled and kissed his boyfriend. Mark hoped this was the end. But it wasn't.

A/N slight cliff hanger. Hope you enjoyed! Until next time bye bye!

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