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Jack's POV
"What do you want Anti?" "I simply want to know what I'm missing out on with your lovely boyfriend there." Jack just rolled his eyes but before he could respond Anti took over. "Now to find that boyfriend of his." Anti said to himself. Anti went and found Mark editing a video. "Markimoooo." Anti said in a sing song voice. "Working" He said. Anti spun his chair around. "But I neeeed youu." Anti whined. "J-jack?" Mark said hesitantly. Anti giggled his evil giggle. "Wrong you are dear." "ANTI!?" "Correct."

"Come on let's have some fun" Anti said with a smirk. "I'm sorry Jack" Mark said under his breath. Mark picked Anti up bridal style and carried him to the bedroom. He set him on the bed gently. "But I want to toooop." Anti whined. And with that Anti was on top and Mark on the bottom. 

Anti grabbed the lube after they were both naked and lubed up his hardening member. Anti immediately pushed in giving Mark little to no time to adjust. "F-faster!" Mark moaned as Anti went his fastest. He started attacking Mark's neck with kisses. He pounded into Mark's prostate. "R-right there!" Mark moaned loudly his eyes rolling back.

Anti smirked as he went his hardest now. Anti sucked Mark's sweet spot as he moaned. "I-I'm close" Mark moaned. "Cum for me" and with that Mark came on their lower stomachs. A few more thrusts and Anti came inside Mark. Mark fell asleep as Anti let Jack take back over. He ran in to check on Mark. "Did he hurt you?" "No clover." Mark said yawning.

"Goodnight fireball" Jack said as he cuddled up to Mark. "Goodnight clover." And with that they both fell asleep.

A/N This one's a bit shorter but I hope you enjoy! Byeeeeeeee

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