No One Hurts MY Jackaboy

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A/N this one has bullying in it please read with caution.

Jack was 16 and he came out to his friends as gay. They all bullied him. "Haha gay bitch!" One friend said. "Gay whore!" Another said. Jack couldn't handle this. He would often cut himself. Or try to, Mark would always stop him. One day Mark saw that their "friends" were beating up Jack. "HEY STOP THAT!!!" Mark said as he ran towards Jack. "Oh shit it's Mark. RUN!!" One friend said as they all ran. Mark picked up Jack bridal style to the nurses office. "Are you his boyfriend?" The nurse asked. "No no no we're just friends." "Oh." The nurse said confused why he would carry his friend in that manner. Jack was taken to the hospital and Mark was there for all of it. Jack stayed in a coma for a week. When Jack woke up Mark was there. "Mmm-Mark? What h-happened?" Jack said looking at Mark confused. "Our 'friends' were beating you up so I carried you to the nurses office. And then they took you here and I was there with you in the ambulance." Jack smiled. "Aww Mark you didn't have to do that." "Yes I did Jack. I..." "Spill it Mark." Jack said looking at Mark. "I love you." Mark said looking away from Jack. Jack pulled Mark in for a sweet passionate kiss. They would've stayed like that forever if the nurse didn't come in. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "oh no don't worry about it." Mark interrupted.
Time skip to Mark and Jack being 27. They're married and happy as ever. But here's one of Jack's favorite memories with Mark.
"Mark? I want to become a girl." Jack mumbled the last part. "You what?" "I want to be a girl." Jack said as he looked away. "Jack. I'll always love you. Even if you're a girl. Nothing in this world can keep me from loving you." Jack smiled and cried happy tears. Mark comforted him. After that Jack became a girl. They were happy as ever. Nothing could be better. Except for when Jackie got pregnant with twins. Sammy and Tim. They were the best little kids ever. Everything was perfect.

A/N the end! I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time bye bye!

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