Bim Trimmer (Ego X Jack #11)

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A/N probably gonna be another short one. Sorry!

"Bim? You're the last one right?" Mark said looking at Bim who shook his head. "Colonel also has to go." He said flatly. "Ugh." Mark said before Bim took over. He found Jack wearing Mark's lucky flannel. "Hey Bim." Jack said before giving him a hug. "I'm boooored honey." Bim whined. "Come on whiny butt." Jack said with a giggle before booping Bim and running. "I'm going to get you!" He said as he ran after Jack. Taking off a piece of clothing along the way. "I beat you." Jack said as he was laying on the bed naked. "Oooo but I think we'll all win in the end." He said before getting on top of Jack. "Ready?" Jack nodded as he rammed into him. He kept thrusting into him soon finding his prostate. "There!" Jack moaned loudly. He kept thrusting making sure to hit that spot. Soon Jack came on their lower stomachs and Bim came inside of Jack. Soon mark took back over and everything was good. Just one more to go then it will be peaceful again.

A/N hope you enjoyed this! Sorry it's so short! Until next time bye bye!

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