First Time

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A/N I seriously have no ideas for this book but I'll keep writing every time I get an idea. So here we go!

Mark's POV
Me and Jack/Sean have been together for 3 years now. We have never had sex. I know he's not ready but I'm growing impatient. "Thank you guys so much for watching this video. If you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS. And... high fives all around. -high fives- Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOO!" I heard Sean scream his outro. I was cooking his favorite food, pizza. (A/N I looked it up Sean's favorite food is Pizza)
Lyra was coming over too. She's our closest friend. I've been friends with her since preschool and Sean's been friends with her since 2nd grade. I was actually really happy she's coming over. She was the first person me and Sean told we were dating. She was super supportive as always. That's when I heard a knock at the door. "Must be Lyra" I thought. And sure enough there was Lyra. Her long pink hair in a ponytail, as usual, she had a jacksepticeye cropped hoodie on and some Markiplier pants. Me and Sean knew she was a huge fan of us. "Hey Mark!" Lyra said in her normal happy, bouncy voice as she hugged me.
"Hey Lyra! Good to see you again!" I said as I hugged back. Now like I said before Sean and I haven't had sex, but I'm not a virgin. My first time, oddly enough, was with Lyra. And then Sean ran down the stairs.

Sean's POV
I saw Lyra sitting on the couch with Mark. I knew he wasn't cheating, Mark isn't the kind of guy to cheat. Lyra chatted with me and Mark for what seemed like forever but it was only an hour. After she left I knew what I wanted to do. "Hey babe?" I said looking at Mark. He hummed in response. "I think I'm ready" Mark looked at me with shock. "Are you sure? If you aren't ready you're not ready" I could see how concerned he was but he's waited long enough. "If I wasn't ready I wouldn't have brought it up" I said kissing him. 

3rd person POV
Mark gently picked up Sean bridal style and carried him to the bedroom. They both got undressed and Mark grabbed the lube from the side table and started pumping it on his hardening member. "I'll be gentle since this is your first time clover" Mark said as he gently kissed Sean. He kissed his neck soon finding his sweet spot which caused Sean to moan. Mark lined his member up to Sean's entrance and slowly entered 4 inches. Sean winced in pain and Mark noticed this. "Do you want me to stop?" Mark asked clearly concerned about his boyfriend. "N-no keep going" Sean managed to say. 

Mark fully entered and slowly started thrusting. Soon the pain was swept away with pleasure. "F-faster~" Sean moaned and he got what he wanted. Soon Mark started pounding into Sean. He soon found his g-spot. "R-right there!" Mark obeyed and kept pounding into him. "C-close" Sean managed to say. "M-me too" And with that they both hit their peaks. Sean came all over their stomachs and Mark came inside Sean. He pulled out and cuddled up to Sean after cleaning his stomach. "So how was your first time?" "Amazing" Sean said as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N I hope you liked this! More to come and I'll be starting a "Danti" boook soon!

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