Shifting On The Side Of A Prefab

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A/N Thanks Jack for this idea LOL! I was watching his video where he said he "shifted with a girl on the side of these prefabs." So I had to write this! But septiplier edition! So Jack and Mark are 18 when this happens.

"Maaaaaaaark!" Jack whined as Mark pulled him aside after school. "We need to go ho-" Jack was cut off by Mark kissing him as he pinned him against the wall. "But I need you." Mark growled into his boyfriend's ear as he grinded against him. Jack moaned quietly so people didn't hear him. Mark smiled knowing only he could make his boyfriend feel like this. 

Mark took his pants and boxers off then did the same with Jack's. Jack tried to get his shirt off and Mark helped him. "You ready?" Jack bit his lip and nodded as Mark entered all the way. He let him get used to his size. "M-move~" Jack moaned as Mark began to thrust. He started going harder and faster and Jack's moans got louder. "You have to be quiet baby~" Mark moaned into his ear. Jack clearly didn't hear him as he got louder.

Mark kissed him letting him moan into the kiss. He took this opportunity to explore the other's mouth. Mark sped up going his fastest now. "I-I'm close~" Jack moaned. "M-me too." Mark groaned as he came inside of Jack. Jack came onto their stomachs. Mark cleaned him off then helped him put his pants and boxers back on. "Do I need to carry you?" Mark said giving Jack a kiss. "Can you?" Jack whined and with that Mark carried him to the car and set him in the passenger seat.

A/N The end! Hope you enjoyed this! Until next time bye byeeeeee!

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