Public Bathroom

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Jack looked at Mark as he was shifting in his seat. "Is there something wrong, Markimoo?" Jack asked scooting closer to Mark. "I need you." He said looking at Jack who's cheeks were flushed. Jack looked around and then back at Mark. Mark went to the bathroom and 5 minutes later Jack followed. He locked the bathroom door and pinned Jack to the wall.

"You're gonna have to be quiet." Jack bit his lip and nodded. They both took everything off as Mark pinned Jack again. Mark slowly entered all the way into his entrance. "M-move." Jack moaned. Mark slowly started thrusting as the pain was washed away with pleasure. "Faster-" Jack moaned out.

Mark soon started pounding into him as Jack's moans got louder. "Not so loud, clover." Mark groaned but clearly Jack didn't hear him. Mark kissed Jack so he could moan into the kiss. Mark took this opportunity to explore his mouth. "I-I'm close." Jack moaned. "M-me too." Mark said and with that he came deep inside of him and Jack came on their lower stomachs. 

Mark licked him off and helped him get his clothes back on as he did the same with his. "Do I need to carry you to the car?" Mark said looking at Jack as he nodded. Mark picked him up bridal style and carried him to the car. 

A/N I literally got this idea in a dream. I have weird dreams. I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time bye bye!

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