Wilford (Ego x Jack #1)

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A/N So many views! Thanks guys :) And now here comes crazy Wilford to start off the Mark Egos x Jack.

"What do you want Wilford?" Mark said looking at Wilford in the mirror. "Your boyfriend. Just one night?" He whined like a little kid. "Ugh fine." Mark said rolling his eyes as Wilf took over. "This'll be fun. Don't worry, I won't hurt him." He said with a smirk as he went to find Jackaboy.

"Jackaboy." Wilf said as he came into their room. "Yes?" He said looking at Wilf. "Oh hey Wilfy." He said with a slight giggle which made Wilf smile. Wilf got on top of Jack and started kissing him. "Does Mark know?" Jack asked concerned that Mark might get mad.

"Of course he knows!" He said in his normal goofy voice. He got them undressed then got back on top of Jack. "Ready?" He said as he lined himself up with the younger's entrance. He nodded and bit his lip as he entered all the way then let him get used to his size. "Move." Jack moaned as he started pounding into him.

He soon hit his prostate. "Fuck! There!" Jack moaned louder as Wilf kept pounding into him at that angle. "God damn." Wilf groaned as Jack came on their lower stomachs. He soon came inside Jack then cleaned him up. "You done?" Mark said looking at Wilf in the mirror. "Yup." Wilf said as Mark took over.

"He didn't hurt you, right?" Mark said cuddling up to Jack. "No he didn't." He said giving the older a kiss. They both fell asleep and Mark hoped this was the only time. But he was wrong.

A/N Hope you enjoyed! Until next time bye bye! Oh also I won't be posting tomorrow, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. But I'll start posting again Monday! 

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