15~~ Fame Sucks

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"So what disguise are you getting?", Nicholas asks me as he pulls to a stop in front of a boutique.

"It may take a while so just sit here. I have to fish for a passport and an ID. It shouldn't be difficult since this boutique is on the way to the airport. So by my calculations, most people here are either coming back from a city or going to a city and I should be back by approximately... uh 30 minutes but if I'm not back before then, you can come and look for me"

I explain to him, giving my speculations and calculations.

"How do you know all these?"

"I've been running for years and fishing too. I'm used to it"

I say shrugging and opening the car door.

" Right but what is fishing?", he asks before I jump down.

I jump down and adjust my clothes.

"It's exactly what you think it is", I say smirking and closing the door.

"Now, let's see who is going to fall prey. All I have to do is get a fake ID and a costume to match. Gosh! I might need my make up to change my look"

I mutter underneath my breath as I enter the boutique. I move to a corner of the boutique and search through my mini back pack for my make up kit.

I heave a sigh of relief after finding it.
Now all I have to do is fish for a card of a person who is about to travel outside the city.

I walk through the aisle of clothes, pretending to examine them while studying everyone through the glasses.

I spot a young girl, standing in the front row alone. I notice her buying lots of clothes.

Someone's got lot of relatives this Christmas!

I walk up to her and pretend to be interested in what she's buying.

She smells rich.

"Oh my, Candy is going to love this. Oh my word! $200,000? Well I'm gonna have to get Candy something different and affordable too", I say quite loud to her hearing.

I notice her coming towards me with a smile.

"Excuse me there ma'am. I couldn't help but notice you looking at the lovely dress. May I help?"

" Oh yes. My niece has always wanted the blue color of this dress so I decided to get her one. I'm on my way to New York for the holidays and I already have a lot to spend", I whimper.

Well this should ignite her to tell me if she's going or staying.

"Oh really. I'm on my way to New York myself and I'm going alone. Mind if I pay and tag along? ", She asks.

I study her a bit more, she has platinum blonde hair, silver eyes, round lips and a very cute button nose.

Her skin is as tanned as possible. She is beautiful.

"Well I came here with my husband, he's outside in the car and I know you might be thinking why can't he pay for it... Well we shared it. He pays for the trip to New York and our tours there and I get to pay for the present"

" Wow! You guys are... Different from the rest of the holiday couples. Well it's no problem at all. I'll find my way but I'll help you pay for the dress. Is it okay if I see your husband? "

" Oh thank you so much", I mutter as I hug her and swipe away the passport and ID away from her back pocket.

Well that was easy.
I gingerly stick the passport and ID into my front pocket

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