28~~ The Real Truth

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"Here we are Sam! Wake up!", Nicholas nudges me.

Huh? Nicholas? I thought I fell asleep on Eric's shoulders.

My eyes fly open and comes in contact with two very beautiful blue eyes. I smile for a moment and then remember that Nicholas has been such a dick lately and I immediately scoot over.

I look at the driver's seat and there's no one there. Where's Eric?
Immediately my gaze flutter outside and there he is, making a call.

"Um Sam, I have to tell you this just so I'm free. I'm sorry for everything I said before the plane and after that. I got jealous of how close you and Eric are"

"Why would you get jealous?", I ask rather very confused.

"Because I love you Samantha"


"I love you Samantha! I think I fell in love with you the moment we got on the plane and you told me you were Simone. I don't intentionally hurt you. Hurting you hurts me and I guess I feel the need to hurt you because I lost my wife and how could I move on so quickly? So please forgive me Sam", he says with a glint of tear in his eyes.

This is news! I don't know what to say. I blink a couple of times and open my mouth to say something but I say nothing.

Who falls in love in such short notice. What do I say? Anything. Say anything. Don't just keep him waiting else the situation is going to get more awkward. Why should it be awkward?

"Guys we have to go", Eric says not only reminding us of the situation on ground but also saving my ass. I immediately jump out of the car and give a toothy grin to Eric who just stares at me indifferently.

"I have located the Montero warehouse and we have to leave now on foot. It's a five minutes walk and we can't risk being seen", Eric says and I just nod. Nicholas comes down of the car and I immediately scoot over to Eric's other side.

We silently walk to the warehouse, each of us absorbed in our own thoughts.

What do I say to him? I love you too? Do I actually love him? Good question. Do I love him? How do you know when you love someone? Is it like in the movies? Butterflies in the stomach? Is there a spark?

How can you tell if you're in love with someone? What are the signs and symptoms?

There are signs and symptoms of pregnancy, Malaria, HIV... So why aren't there signs and symptoms of love?

"Sam darling, here we are", Eric announces.

I try the door handle and voila it opens.

"This is creepy!", Nicholas voices out.

"I know right!", I say just walking carefully around.
An abandoned warehouse that's practically empty.

Why would a Montero warehouse be lying around a deserted alley?

"Hello", I call out and my voice echoes across the room. Nothing is heard or seen.

We walk around for a bit before slowly reaching a small stairway that leads to some sort of alley downstairs.

I'm probably that character in a movie where everyone is screaming from the top of their voices, while staring at their TV screens to not go down the stairs but now I have nothing to lose.

"Hello", I call out again.

"Hey Sam be careful", Nicholas calls and catches just in time before I trip on my own two feet.

"Thank you", I murmur breezily and hurriedly scurry away from him.

Suddenly we start to hear muffled noises and we trace it to Damien being strapped to a chair.

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