13~~ Hell Is About To Break Loose

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"Mrs. Montero! Wake up! I'm starving"
Eric's voice shouts in my head. Don't these guys ever sleep?

I groan and turn to the other side but the rays of the morning sun would not have any of it.

"Eric come off it!", I hear Nicholas yawn.

How can they be sounding so close? I thought I was in the secret room? I try to open my eyes but the goo glued it temporarily.

I feel so numb to open my eyes with my hand. I manage to open it and everything seems blurry.

"Down here boys", I hear my mothers voice again. How am I hearing their voices?

I groan loudly and manage to get up. I fall back on the bed almost immediately as my feet keeps wobbling around. I manage to wipe away the goo from my eyes and cast a side way glance at the clock

"Eleven thirty in the morning? Boy! I must have been really tired", I murmur as I yawn.

Just then, my gaze focuses on the security TV.
"That's why their voices sound so close", I say, shaking my head side ways in and attempt to shake off the remaining bits of sleep.

"I made pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs. Who's hungry?", Mothers asks coming out of the kitchen all covered in a black overall.

She must have worked in the garden before entering the kitchen.

"Yes yes yes! I'm famished. Your daughter is a poor poor host", Eric says and settles down on the dining waiting for his breakfast.

Then I noticed his outfit and my eyes increases to the size of a saucer.

"The guts of this boy. Boxer briefs and singlet?", I yell comfortably because the room is sound proof.

"Good morning Mrs Montero. May I help you set the table?", the ever polite Nicholas asks.

"Sure sure. The plates are in the first cupboard, bottom left. They are arranged in order of colors. The yellow ones are the first. That's what we are going to use to have breakfast this morning and please call me Isabelle or Izzy", mother explains to Nicholas.

Eric shakes his head trying to stiffle his laughter and Nicholas can't conceal his amusement.

"Where is Samantha?", Nicholas asks

"Who cares? I want breakfast", Eric whines. I roll my eyes at his attitude. My mother will be sure to chop that ego down to size.

"Listen here young man. If you are in my house, I demand you watch your tongue. I don't care if you are daddy's rich son, that attitude of yours ends the minute you step foot into my house. Got it?", mother asks holding a knife to his face.

Eric literally turns white and nods his head frantically. I laugh hysterically and Nicholas seems surprised. Why wouldn't he?

"Use your words"

"Yes ma'am"

"Good! Plus Samantha can hear you if she's awake already", Mother says and smirks.

"That's my mother", I say with a smile still dancing across my face.

Are you going to shower now? You reek and don't get me started on your morning breath.

I roll my eyes and go into the bathroom.

"You know what? I'm starting to dislike you. You are making me go nuts", I mutter through gritted teeth.

I enter the shower and the iciness of the water makes me shiver so hard. I immediately turn up the heat and my pulse gradually returns to normal.

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