26~~ Love Stings

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"Hurry up Samantha!" Eric exclaims frantically.

"Few more minutes ", I holler back. I adjust the corset and my boob region.
Gosh! Who knew Cara Katz would be so small.

I step out and over real Cara's body. I walked careful until I stand face to face in front of Nicholas and Eric and they both have their jaws touching the ground.

"Remind me again why you hide this beautiful shape behind men's clothes?", Eric says as he offers me his hands. I link my hand in his and flip my hair a little and give a little smile.

Nicholas just stares at the both of us, clenching and unclenching the jaws. He says nothing and leads us out of the booth into a throng of fans cheering pushing things at me to sign.

"Are you sure Stefan is going to be safe?", I whisper into Nicholas' ears and he just gives a stiff nod.

"He's with his grandma what do you expect?", He says in a harsh tone.

I can't deal with this negativity right now.

"Please step aside", Eric hollers as he pushes through the crowd.

A little girl comes at me with a little frame of she and a guy who I assume is her brother. I can't resist her cuteness and hurriedly scribble my signature on it before Nicholas pulls me away and into the car.

"S? Not C? I hear the little girl's voice say as I disappear from their midst.

"You guys didn't do so bad over there", I say panting lightly as I adjust the hem of the satin dress with Swarovski crystals embedded in them.

Gosh, people really do got a lot of money to buy clothes that they struggle to fit into. Taking this off of Cara's body was a nightmare.

"Thanks", Nicholas replies in a clipped tone. I squint my eyebrows at him and wonder why he's acting strange.

"You look beautiful by the way", he comments not even glancing at me. Did I do something wrong?

"Hurry up!", Eric hollers at the driver.

"I am so uncomfortable", I mutter underneath my breath as I try to gasp for air. How are they comfortable in this? I ask myself as I feel every part of my body itch.

"Do you have a hotel booked in Boston?", I ask Nicholas in particular.

"No", he curtly states, eyeing me for a second there before resuming his gaze at the window.

What's going on through his mind?

"I have a little apartment in Boston for my getaways, why?", Eric states admiring himself in the side mirror. He licks his palm and rubs it against his hair.

I thought it only happens in cartoons!

"I need to get out of this suffocating outfit", I say pretending as if I'm dying of suffocation.

"Drama queen", Eric chuckles as the car comes to a halt. Nicholas hurriedly jumps out.

"What's wrong with him?", I ask Eric as he helps me out of the car.

"With who?"


"I wonder how you walk do comfortably in heels after wearing speakers basically all your life", Eric says countering my question with another question.

"Let's just say, I used to join the pageant show in sophomore year", I reply sincerely.

"Samantha Montero! Used to be in the pageant show?", Eric says with a huge grin on his face as we hurriedly get on the jet.

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