8~~ I need to wake up

6 5 1

"Every Night When I Go Out,
The Weasel's On The Table
Take A Stick And Knock It Out
Pop! Goes The Weasel"

I whistle my favorite rhyme as I sit in the train, drumming my fingers against my knee.

"Can you cut it out I'm trying to sleep", a very dirty looking, young man spits out.

I close my eyes, inhale deeply before exhaling slowly.

I then proceed to give his calculating face a small smile and the woman beside me smiles at me too.

Devan and Stacey were so nice and snoopy. They tried to uncover what was in my bag. Thank heavens I hid the green card. And thanks to them, I'm putting on a nice cloth and a wonderful disguise.

Disguising in front of them was so damn hard.

"Hi! My name is Charly and this is my daughter Pratt", the woman beside me offers.

Don't say it Samantha. Do not say...

"Why didn't you name her Puth so you two could be like the perfect Charlie Puth?", I say laughing at my own lame joke.

I soon start laughing so hard, my sides begin to hurt. I wipe away the tears that form beneath my lashes and when I notice the look the woman gives me, I swallow the rest of my laughter and deliver a straight face.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Sama... Uhh... Samone... Um Simone... Yes Simone... I'm Simone.", I say stretching my hand for a shake and making sure that Samone blends with Simone.

"Really Simone? What of Pumba?", the woman questions. Now it was her turn to laugh.
Okay I guess the handshake was meant for the air.

Nice to meet you air!

"Aw... I believe Pumba is your snoring husband over there and I believe it was Timone and not Simone?, I say grinning at her fuming face.

"Wow! This girl has got some sass", A lady behind me says as she ends up laughing throwing her head back and clapping her hands.

"Too bad he isn't your best friend", she says giving an awful comeback

"Yeah that's a horrid comeback woman", a very tall guy states.

"Hey where are you headed?", another old guy with pot belly asks.

"I'm going to the Jakarta airport", I say suddenly feeling shy.

"Man she's so cool"

"Daddy, I bet she can tell stories. Can you please ask her to tell us a story?"

I look at the boy and his dad and bite my lower lip.
Why does he seem familiar?

Yeah right, everyone is familiar to you.

"Should we ask for her autograph?"

"She sure does have potential"

Conversations were going on and on about me and how cool I am. I suddenly feel pride swell in my stomach and consciousness overwhelm my being as I suddenly realize I'm in a boyish outfit, not that I'm feeling insecure or anything.

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