9~~ Let The Show Begin

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"Nobody move.
Everybody stay where you are.
We have been informed that there's been an impersonation"

The voice of an FBI agent reverberates through the now still airport. I slowly slip back into the restroom and lock the door.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!" I whisper and pull my hair in frustration.

"Fuck! This stupid 'Simone' is smarter than I thought", I murmur in despair.

This isn't the time for despair. Do something!

"What! What do I do? I've been so stuck up running away for four years hell bent of looking for the murderer of Asher Hudson with no success. I don't even know what he looks like. What's the use I better turn myself in", I whisper fiercely to myself.

I look at the mirror and laugh lightly.

"Yea right! Turn myself in indeed. That's ridiculous. Okay Nadine, time for a new plan".

I pack my hair up in a messy bun with a ribbon, and with a little help from some makeup in my backpack, I change my look. I search frantically through my backpack and bring out all my weapons which includes a wrench, a screwdriver, a crowbar, some nails and tons of Bobby pins.

I can't use knife, any kind of knife because I hate knives. It was a knife that got me here in the first place and since then I've developed a strong sense of Aichmophobia.

I recall vividly when Georgina brought out a small table knife to dice her meat, I turned white instantly. I almost passed out.

Okay back to my current situation, how do I get out of here? Let's see...

Oh I can use the crowbar and pry off that window seal, then I can see if I can fit through it. I set to work and boy this is hard work.

I still hear murmurs going on outside the restroom. I smirk as I get the seal off.

"The FBIs are stupid. They didn't even bother to check the restroom".

As I dust away particles of paint from the wall on my body, I hear the same voice call out again.

"Hey Mr in the ladies bathroom, come on out"
Well they are not as stupid as I thought.

I freeze in my spot and stare at the door. Mr? They think it's a man? Why?

I look at my feet and mouth an "Oh".
I am wearing a male combat boot. Well now they can see my boot.

"We will count to five Mr and if you don't come out we will bust in through that door", the voice calls again.

Oh come on! Five seconds? That's so much time for me to escape. Could it be any lesser?


Ah fuck!

I skillfully struggle to remove the boots from my feet without moving.



I hurriedly climb the toilet seat and jump out of the window as the voice simultaneously yells "five". I stick to the walls of the of the airport as I hear voices in the toilet.

"He was a she"

"How do you know?"

"She left this ribbon behind by accident"

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