11~~ Someone's Here

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Ah! There it is!

I lean my head on the door and slowly remove my hand from the door knob. I hear mother's footsteps walk towards me. She places her hand on my shoulder.

"Please stay Nadine. For a week at least. Please?", mother pleads and I hear that sadness in her voice. It crushes me badly.

I turn around and place my head on her shoulder. I embrace my mother so dearly and sniff back unshed tears.

"Alright", I whisper lowly.

I love my mother so much I'm afraid this love will burn me to ashes.

"That's my girl"

I scoff and release mother from the embrace

"Oh so now I'm your girl? After blackmailing me emotionally?"

"Oh please. You're..."

The doorbell rings, interrupting mother. I freeze in my spot.

"Go to the secret room, that's Jack?", mother whispers fiercely.

"How did you know it's Jack?", I whisper back.

"Now is not the time. Just go. He'll soon let himself in"

"The secret room is upstairs. I'll just hide in the kitchen", I say carrying my bag and going into the kitchen.

"Mom!" Jack calls from outside as I hear the door opening

I hide behind the refrigerator.

"Hey Jack! What are you doing here so early? Shouldn't you be on your way to work?"

"It's Saturday Mom plus I heard yelling", Jack replies.

I slide down the fridge and hold up my knees to my chin with my backpack beside me.
I rest my back head against the fridge as I stare at the ceiling. I begin twirling my hair between my fingers and listen to the conversation.

"Yelling? What yelling?", mother asks

"I don't know. Did you have those nightmares again?"


"I thought this entire house was sound proofed", I murmur to myself.

"No Jack! I was watching a movie. A horror movie", mother replies

Mother hates horror movies.

"You hate horror movies", Jack states my thoughts.

"Yes I do, I just love the conjuring. It's so real"

"But the TV isn't on"

"Oh no it isn't. I was watching it upstairs in my room"

"Okay if you say so. I'm taking the Jays to the park anyway. Joan will come in to keep you company"

Oh boy!

"Can you stop referring to your children as Jays? The twins would be more appropriate. By the way, I don't need company honey. As a matter of fact, I need to sleep"

I face palm and close my eyes.

Gosh mother is so bad at giving excuses.

"Okay, if you say so", Jack says. After hearing the door open and close, I slowly stand up and go into the living room. I come face to face with a white woman. A literal, white woman.

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