17~~ Fifty Shades Of Weird

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"No way that happened!"

Nicholas exclaims in relation to my story as we got off the plane.

" Yes way it happened! And when I told the guy that I didn't really work there, he had already eaten half of the potato chips" I continued

"Did he pay for it?"

"Pay for what? Ha! Dude couldn't afford a belt to hold up his pants! He ran off and..."

"Excuse me" Nicholas says as he moves to answer his phone.

I whistle as we were screened. I can't believe we didn't carry any form of clothes

Right on cue, Nicholas emerges with a really really portable suitcase.

Well I guess it's just me who didn't bring a suitcase... Just my back pack.

"Alright Sam let's go" Nicholas says with a charming smile and I swear I felt my insides turn to melted butter.

I smile back and adjust my hair behind my left ear.
It's been like what... Four days since I cut my hair and boy has it grown back already!

"Why did you bring a suitcase?" I ask, loathing the short silence between us

"Why not?", He replies my question with another question.

I fold my lips together is exasperation and pinch the bridge of my nose to prevent me from giving a sarcastic reply.

"What I mean is we're not spending the night with Uncle Austin so definitely there's no need for the suitcase because once we're done, we're heading right back to my mama in Chicago... Right?"

"Oh! I didn't know you already had a full proof plan. I already made reservations at the Mandarin Oriental hotel"

For no reason, I choke on my spit and begin coughing uncontrollably. Nicholas quickly brings out a bottle of water and soothingly rubs my back.

Is this guy insane? Of course he's insane? Who makes reservations at the most expensive hotel in New York for just one night?

Um...a lot of people do that

"Yea I know a lot of people do that, it's just..."

"Excuse me?" Nicholas coughs out to bring me out of my little argument with myself

"Oh right... Are you insane? How could you make reservations at Mandarin hotel? Didn't you see a cheap, comfortable hotel? And how did you manage to make the reservation this festive period? Isn't like the entire hotel booked already?"

I vehemently ask so many questions all at once.

"Alright slow down..." He says as he places his hand across my shoulder and leads me to a limousine

"I just have one answer to your numerous questions... I am Nicholas Macaulay" He smirks and winks at me before opening the door for me to get inside.

I roll my eyes at his charming arrogance and give a little smile.
He gets in and signals for the driver to move.

"So what's the plan?" He asks casually and for a moment I loose my composure at our close proximity. The voice in my head begins to talk dirty and boy this is so not appropriate.

Calm down.

"Um Sam? You might want to close your mouth and answer my question"

"Hmm? Oh yeah uh... Why don't we go straight to Uncle Austin's place since he has no clue we're coming" I suggests with a shrug.

When he doesn't say anything, I continue.

"Here is the address, my mother wrote it down for me" I murmur as I search my backpack for it.
Panic immediately strikes me as I can't find it.

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