14~~ Change Is Costly Most Times

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Jacks asks squinting his eyes. Everywhere becomes still. Jack doesn't seem to be in a hurry as his gaze lands on me.

Those ocean eyes of his begins to water with tears. I get up from the chair and take a step closer to him, he walks towards me slowly and I smile encouragingly.

I've often envisaged this moment, I've always fantasized about this moment. The moment I'd reunite with my best friend but now that it's here, I suddenly don't know what to do.

Just be calm and comment on his hoodie. The old current that used to flow between you guys will return with ease.

For once, I'm glad my subconsciousness exists.

My smile increases and I didn't even realize I am crying until I felt the tears drop on my hand.

Without delay, Jack embraces me tightly. He kisses my forehead, my hair, my nose, my cheek, my neck. He holds me dearly as if he can't believe it's truly me.

I don't even try to stop the flowing tears. He uses his thumb to wipe away my tears and a light chuckle rumbles out of my chest.

"You're such a crybaby Jack", I murmur and he laughs hugging me again. I hug him tightly this time and inhale his scent while keeping my eyes shut.

"Not changed a bit I see Sam"
He says brushing my hair with his fingers.

"What can I say? Change is costly most times", I reply wiping my eyes with the back of my hands.

"Oh Sam", Jack whispers and hugs me again.

"Is this a Calvin Klein hoodie?", I ask taking notice of the hoodie.

"Oh no you don't. I'm a changed person now and will not be manipulated into giving you my hoodie or jacket"

"Ahem!", Mother clears her throat, stopping me from replying and reminding me that there are others in the room.

"Just a moment ago you were in a hurry to go to work and now you're here throwing a reunion party. Tardiness is not overlooked in the organization Mr Fernando".

Eric says obviously not happy about our reunion. What is his fucking problem? Nicholas stares at him in disbelief and mother sits down, looking very tired.

I stay beside Jack, our hands still inclined and wishing Eric will just disappear out of this world.

"Well Wilder, you wouldn't know anything about friends because you never had one yourself", I bite back trying not to sound angry.

I rarely get angry but when I do, I always regret my actions. I shiver from the thought that danced around my head the last time I was really really angry.

Jack removes his hand from mine and pats my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Eric..."

"It's sir to you", Eric corrects.

I ball my fist and make move to punch his koala face when Jack stops me.

"I'm sorry sir. I'll be sure to remember that. I'll take my leave now", Jack says and leaves not even casting me a reassuring glance.

"Dude. What was that all about?", Nicholas asks Eric.

"Okay I can feel some testosterones rising up", mother says in an attempt to calm everyone down.

I walk up to Eric and stand toe to toe with him. God bless my father for his strong genes.

"Sir? Really? Why don't I call you sir? Koala face?"

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