1~~ My Life Is Now Officially A Movie

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"All around the mulberry bush,
The monkey chased the weasel,
The monkey thought 'twas fun,
Pop! Goes the weasel"

I whistled the poem along the corridor as I mopped the ground floor of the hotel, hard. I hated the job but I had to do it if I wanted to avoid my mother's constant bickering. I loved my mom dearly but I couldn't stand her constant nagging

My grandma always sang that to me when I was little anytime she visited from Mexico. She'd sing it to me and also teach me Spanish. I sighed heavily as I gazed into space.

"Sam? Room service is needed in room 511" Jack, my best friend called out to me. I pretended not to hear him as I continued gazing into space.

"Samantha Nadine Montero!" He called out my full name, eliciting a groan from me and an eye roll!

"What! Jack Fernando!" I called back, turning to face him. I smiled at him and he gave me a toothy grin. I ruffled his wavy brown hair playfully, causing him to groan disapprovingly!

Jack had been my friend since he moved into our neighborhood when he was just ten years old. He was a scrawny little kid and was pretty much afraid of everything. He started going to the same school as me but people often picked on him because of how small he was. I was the one who always defended him and the rest us history.

"Samantha? It took me forever to comb these babies," he whined, addressing his hair as his babies. He straightened them out with his hand and I rolled my eyes at him. I had never see someone so concerned about their hair before.

"Oh quit being a baby," I muttered with a little giggle, rolling my eyes again.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Jack questioned menacingly. He tried to prance on me but it was easy for me to dodge because I has a masculine build, thanks to my father.

"And what if I did?" I questioned in a menacing tone of my own.

"You know what comes next... Hold up! Is that my Jacket you're wearing?" Jack queries, stopping mid track of what he was about to do and feigned anger. I had already taken numerous of his jacket and I knew this was his favorite one.

"Long story... Actually long, funny story. You are so going to laugh" I tried to say to quell any anger he might be feeling. I glanced at him but he was not smiling.

"I'm listening" he stated with his arms folded across his chest.

"Okay, well... you see...I ran out of the house in a hurry, thanks to my mother, then I realized that I had forgotten my Jacket. I saw yours on the hanger outside and it just sat there, lonely, begging for it to be worn."

"Now I regret asking you. You talk a lot!" Jack groaned out, face palming and I shrugged. We both giggled softly.

"Not to do the blame game but it's kinda your fault," I remarked with a pout.

"My fault? My fault! How is it my fault?" he exasperatedly groaned, thereby cutting me short.

"Ahem!" The shrill voice of Asher's personal assistant called out to us in her thick British accent and we immediately straightened ourselves.

"You are not paid to be fooling around," she warned.

"Sorry," we both say and feign a sorry face.

"Samantha, room services are needed in room 511 and Jack follow me," She instructed and we both obliged.

"See you around Sam," Jack said before following her dutifully.

"Excuse me but isn't that boss's room. I mean no one goes there except you", I stated with a shrug. Room 511 was Asher Hudson's room and nobody else besides Ashley, went in there.

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