23~~ Nothing's Normal Anymore

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"Good evening Lucia", Matilda and Margaret chorus in a sing song voice.

It's been almost twenty-four hours and they've been acting weird and fragile towards me ever since I dozed off in the pocket watch room or whatever they call it.

"Yeah so can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?",I ask with a raised eyebrow and folded arms, refusing to sit.

"Look Lucia if that's really your name..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"... You'll have to sit for what we are about to tell you next"

"I'm fine where I am", I state defiantly.

If falling asleep during the hypnosis is a symptom of something then they have to tell me. Don't I have the right to know what's happening to me?

Maybe you should calm down.

I just roll my eyes and still maintain my position not wavering my stance.

"Like we have already mentioned to you before, you do have Dissociative Identity disorder and an alter ego", Matilda says calmly.

Guess it's part of their profession to act so when about to deliver a news that may drive patients to depression. I brace myself up for what might come next.

"Your alter ego has a name and she's Stacy", Matilda continues while Margaret rolls her head and face palm.

Stacy? Is that why I felt so comfortable with the name Stacy during my runs?


"Stacy revealed some pretty dark stuff to us yesterday and we want you to understand that it's okay to show emotions and not hide behind an alter ego", Margaret says. I sense a little bit of icy tone as she speaks but ignore it instead.

I suddenly feel laden with grief and release the tense muscle around my face and sit as slowly as I can. I look up at the ceiling and feel the tears welling up my eyes and I try to smile but my lips quiver with intense sadness and my brain spirals out of control. I try to steady my breathing as it becomes labored and forced.

"As a child you were molested by one of your Kindergarten teachers"Matilda drops the news and it sinks faster than a pebble being thrown into the water.

My facade changes from confused, to sad to angry, to disgusted all in the space of thirty seconds, with my brain trying to comprehend what she just said.

Nothing's normal anymore!

"And you know this how?", I ask surprising myself with how calm and collected my voice sounds despite my racing heart and my anguished soul.

"Stacy told us" They both chorus and I begin to laugh sardonically.

These people are the crazy ones not me!

"You expect me to believe that something is controlling my body? Or I exist as another version?"

"Literally? Yes", Matilda answers not getting my confusion.

"Right!", I say in between laughs.

"Alright. Supposedly I was molested, why don't I remember it? Why isn't my mum aware if it? "

"Your alter ego was there to create the barrier between then and now"

I stare at them, realizing that they are serious and that's when the tears starts to fall.

"Okay somebody gotta tell me if I offended someone in my past life because this is just too much for me to handle", I wail.

"Relax Lucia. We're here to help and all we are asking for is your honest to God cooperation", Matilda says.

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