7~~Where Are The Hidden Cameras?

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"Not so fast!"

Eric and I halt in our tracks and raise both of our arms above our heads. We turn back solemnly and the sight has us laughing.

"Oh cheesecakes! I thought they must have caught us", I say throwing my head backwards as I laugh some more.

"Well let's hurry up before they stop us for real this time". I remove the glasses and hope he doesn't recognize me.

"Sure. Just follow me I know where to go", I say, sprinting forward. I need to get this dude a disguise.

It turns out the 'Not so fast' wasn't directed at us. It was an angry mother cautioning her stray child amidst the commotion.

I slow down my pace a bit so Eric can catch up. Looks like he isn't cut out for running. I do a sharp left turn and land in an alley. I slow my pace drastically as the floor here is wet and slippery.

I duck beneath a broken wall and beckon for Eric to do the same. He looks scared and I roll my eyes.

"Surely the famous billionaire's son knows how to cross a wall"

"It's dirty", he states casually.

"Are you coming or not?", I ask impatiently, they might catch you alright but if they catch me I'm toast.

He gingerly bends down and crosses over successfully. I beam at him and take off again.

"Where are you taking me to? Surely you aren't a serial killer are you?", he asks as he runs beside me, shouting a little.

"Oh I am! I am taking you to my slaughter house", I reply dryly.

"Sassy and Sarcastic I see", he mumbles, smiling.

Wow! I can't believe I ended up with Eric. Eric Wilder! Is this how fate works? I mean, what was he doing in that bowling Arcade?

Doesn't he have a private bowling arcade just to himself? And why was he surrounded by so many securities?

So many questions dance through my head as I stop in front of our temporary destination.

Okay I've had enough of all this acting. Where are the hidden cameras? Surely this can't be real?

"A boutique?", Eric questions with a raised eyebrow as we arrive our temporary destination.

"Yea you need a disguise of course", I say ushering him inside.

How do I act around a popular being? Normal? Cool? Weird? Bold?

How do you want people to act around you?

I want them to act normal, but they are all scared of me. They believe I killed Asher Hudson. I just want to clear my name.

I sigh in exasperation.

"How does this disguise look?", Eric asks coming out from the changing room.

Woah! He looks cooler in shorts and shirt. With the shades too. And damn those legs.

"I don't know", I reply meekly.
This isn't you Samantha. You are friendly and nice. Act so!

He gives me a sceptical look and I clear my throat.

"Well you definitely look like not Eric", I say distractedly as I stare shamelessly at his legs.

"Oh My World!"

I whip my head back to the sound of the voice and doing so, my scarf falls from my head.

I wince in embarrassment as I notice that it is just a bunch of fan girls who enters the boutique.

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