19~~ Emotional manipulation

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I've no time to plead and pine,
I've no time to wheedle,
Kiss me quick and then I'm gone
Pop! Goes the weasel.

I whistle the last line of the song as we alight from the plane.
Boy that was a long two hours flight.
I yawn as that thought crosses my head.

Nicholas takes my hand in his and I don't even fight it. I'm mentally drained honestly.

We enter another car and the car drives off. Few minutes later we arrive at the Montero estate and I tell the driver to stop.

The driver stops and I get down, with Nicholas following suit. We wait for the car to vanish out of sight until I make my way into the estate.

I follow some corners before arriving at the entrance with Nicholas right behind me.

Ugh! He looks like a lost puppy. Just then his phone rings and the conversation is brisk.
I hurriedly give the code knock and as if she was expecting me, mother opens the door.

"Welcome back baby", she says as she also opens her arms to hug me.

I brush past her and walk straight to the kitchen. I open the wine cellar and take out a bottle of champagne, open the the cabinet and take a wine glass.

"Nadine! What the hell was that for?", Mother asks in her stern voice. I just stare at Nicholas.

"I'm leaving tonight!", I state with a matter of fact look and excuse myself as I head upstairs.

"Jesus fucking Christ! What the hell happened to you?", Mother exclaims as she sees Nicholas face

"I messed up", I heard Nicholas voice fade in the background.

I reach the secret room and let out a huge sigh of relief.

I pour myself a full glass of champagne, turn on the tv and increase the volume.

I see Nicholas staring at the ground in a defeated manner, talking to my mom and my mom and sniffing back probably unshed tears.

"Yeah you messed up", mother says.

As if!

I take my shower and try to shut out everything and everyone at the moment. I just allow the water course through my skin and savor every piece of the icy feeling on my skin.

I dress up in a black, baggy short and grey t-shirt. Comb my hair to the side and apply a blue colored contacts. I put some mascara on and a smile on my face.

I pack my most important stuff and make my way downstairs.

"Bye Mom!", I say and make my way for the door.

"Samantha Nadine Montero! Will you stop right there and hear this young man out and stop being petty for chrissake!", She yells at me.

Yeah, I'm the one being petty.

I turn around slowly and look at her in the eyes and look at Nicholas!

"For a neurosurgeon you sure have a lot of time", I say as I make my way to the dining table and drop my backpack there.
I place one hand on my hip and the other on the chair.

"Samantha I am really really sorry about what I said earlier. It was uncalled for and utterly inappropriate" Nicholas pleads

"Good! And what do we say Nadine?"

"Apology accepted", I say with a smile on my face.

"Good everyone is happy. Why don't you two hug it out?"

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