3~~ Bombshell

39 15 86

"But for now,
I laugh with my mom".


"Your honor, every evidence points that the accused is Mr Asher Hudson's killer. This is a first degree murder and justice needs to be served. Please do this amiable court and the world a favor by serving justice... your honor"

Easy for the prosecuting attorney to say. If only there was a camera in the hotel rooms, then I wouldn't be here.

I think to myself as I stand in the witness box, my head bowed to the ground.

"Does the defense attorney have anything to say?", the judge asks.

"Yes your honor. Please permit me to welcome Miss Ashley to the witness box"

"Permission granted"

"Miss Ashley Patterson please come over to the witness box", my lawyer says. I look over at Miss Ashley, Asher's personal assistant, as she walks gracefully to the stand.

She is given the bible to solemnly swear that whatever she speaks will be the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Miss Patterson, where were you on the date that the victim was murdered?"

"I was with Jack Fernando in room 251"

"And what were you doing?", the defense asks.

"I was ordering him to clean the room. A couple had booked the room and they were to lodge in that very evening", Ashley says with a forlorn look.

"Did you tell the accused to go up to Asher's room and clean it?"


"Has anyone ever been there besides you?"

"Yes but they were all under my supervision"

"So why did you send the accused there unsupervised?"

"I was busy and needed to get the room fixed. Samantha is a sweet kid and can be trusted. I don't think she'll ever do such a thing"

I smile after hearing her say that, just as we rehearsed.

"No further questions"

"Would the prosecuting attorney like to cross examine the witness?", the judge asks.

"No your honor"

"The defense may go on and plead their case"

He looks at me, sending me a reassuring smile, I try sending him one but my lips quiver as the tears threaten to spill. All my life I've been the good kid only to end up in court for something I didn't do? When watching those cases and trials on TV, I never suspected my case to be next.

I glance at my parents. My mom looks like she'll blow up any second now, my dad is holding up pretty good for my mom. On the far corner of the court is my soccer team. I see a look of despair on my coach and my teammates. A lone tear falls from my eyes.

"Your honor... Samantha Montero is a good kid incapable of hurting a fly, talk more of a human. She is just a victim of circumstance. She has no motive of killing the now Late Asher. Do you think a kid who bakes cake and babysits for her neighbors is capable of committing such heinous crime? When they scanned her finger prints it wasn't on the record, why? I'll tell you because she has never committed any crime. She is known as the peace maker in school, she's everyone's favorite. She is loved by all. Imagine the pains her parents are going through. Imagine the trauma she's facing for something she didn't do..."

The defense attorney continues. He may strike anyone as someone who wants to eat deep into my Father's pocket but that's far fetched. He is on my case because he truly believes I'm innocent plus he's my uncle... My mother's brother. Uncle Austin.

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