16~~ Story Time

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"Can you just stop by at the next boutique?", I ask after a short while.

"There's one really close to the airport, I'll drop you off there. And please, get a disguise this time"

I sigh and stare out the window.

I hear Nicholas sigh and turn to face him.
Boy does his side profile look hot.

He doesn't seem to notice me staring at him. I notice the muscles clench and unclench around his jaw, his fist tightens around the wheel.

"Stupid", he mutters beneath his breath.

I wonder what he's so worked up about. He's not the one that got hurt.

I wonder what would have become of me if I had just stayed home that fateful day. 

I begin to muse and zone out of the real world.

Gosh! This car is so quiet. My mouth becomes itchy.

I hate it when I have to be so quiet. Just when I'm about to say something, the car comes to a halt.

"We're here!", Nicholas announces.

I stare in awe at the gigantic mall.

It's so freaking huge!

"Can you please give me your credit card?", I ask Nicholas and without hesitation, he hands me his credit card.

"Thank you" I whisper

I adjust my scarf and put on my shades back. I highlight from the car and subtly skip to the boutique.

I halt in my steps and go back to ask for the pin.

"Um... Turns out I don't know the pin"

I say with a sheepish smile on my face. He chuckles heartily and tells me the pin. I smile again and get lost in the throng of crowd.

"Alright, I need to get a platinum blonde wig", I whisper to myself and I walk along the wig aisle and frown in realization that the platinum blonde wig is a very rare wig to find in this part of Chicago.

Oh fuck!

I still search carefully and thoroughly through the throngs of wig in hope to find it when suddenly, an idea pops in my head...

"Excuse me!"

I say a little bit loudly for the attendant to here me. I quickly clear my throat to fake an accent.

"Is there a salon around somewhere?", I mutter in a scottish accent.

"Oh yes ma'am. Just go North from here and then head West. The first aisle there is the salon aisle"

"Say what bro? What the fuck is all the North, West talk about? Just tell me if I should fucking go left or right. Do I look like someone from the army who deals with all these geographical signs?", I say rather irritatingly.

It's like I'm bipolar or something.

You're overreacting Samantha!

"Told ya Ned. Them customers don't like that. Just tell 'em to go left or right. What's so fuckin' hard about that?"

A black young girl states as she passes with her cart and gives Ned a raised eyebrow and a pouted lips with her arms akimbo. Did I mention she's so beautiful? Damn she's so pretty!

"What ya still waitin' for man? Apologize and tell her where to fuckin' take",
Boy does she curse a lot.

"I'm sorry ma'am. Just go straight from here then make a right turn. That's the salon aisle", he murmurs sheepishly and I suddenly start to feel bad.

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