30~~ I'm Free!

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"I think I need to sit down", I say while actually making my way to couch with a glass of wine in my hand.

What the hell is Larry saying? How could he have known? And why didn't he make the news public.

"Well how did you know about this?", Nicholas asks with his hands in his pocket.

"If your memory serves well Samantha, you'll remember that the night of the murder you were about to call 911", Larry starts as he takes his sit as well with the everyone else just standing.

"Well yes I remember but it wasn't me if I remember accurately. It was Asher. He was fondling with the phone and before he could dial it, Mr Montero here snatched him up and well you know the rest by now", I say looking at my feet no feeling exactly proud of myself.

"Well whomever placed the call, it went through. The call went through and the officer on the other end picked and heard three people struggling. Your voice was heard obviously but the other people's voice not quite. This was swept under the rug because we thought it was a prank as usual and few minutes later a call came through and that's when the whole fiasco started"

"So what's your point detective?", Mum asks the officer not really liking how the other cops were rough handling her.

"Well it wasn't until a few months later when I was clearing old archives did I see a recording of the call and it didn't take me long to put two and two together but I had to get my facts straight and sent in someone from China with the equipment used in detecting voices and emotions"

"Wait, those kind of things exist?", Eric asks munching on pack of chips.

"Yes it does and when we played the recording over the machine, your voice was laced with fear but I couldn't bring up the case to the county judge because of the assumption that you were scared so I sought your father out to see if his money could help in any way and that's when the news of his death rocks the world. I knew something was fishy so I called my Uncle who works as a majordomo in the Mafia city and he told me Mr Montero here didn't really die. It was just a ploy to get off grid", Larry says as if to conclude.

"That's it?", Damien asks with his arms at akimbo.

"Well not exactly", Eric says with a smile. All heads whip towards his direction.

"What do you have to do with this?", Nicholas asks with a little scoff.

"Well you see I don't just work for my father's company. I'm a Private investigator who goes undercover and when Larry reached out to me for help I couldn't pass it up.

"Mysteries keep unraveling", I simply state.

"So what's your connection with Larry?", Dad asks trying to loosen free himself from the grip of the officers.

"After Samantha bumped into me in the bowling arcade, I knew immediately who she was. When she ran off, that's when I got Larry's call asking for my help and I obliged immediately. I got intel on Jack here and I decided to keep more tabs on him and made him super busy at the office just so he'd be able to keep away from Samantha. I caught him calling Mr Montero one day and I tracked the call to Milan and well I guess the rest is history"

I smack him at the head and look really pissed.

"You knew and you allowed me go to an Asylum?"

"Yes just so I'd have more time to tail your mother around and map out her possible exit routes so she won't escape"

Well that makes sense to some extent.

"And what about you Nicholas? Did you have something to do with all these? Are you going to come out with some bomb dropping reveal?" I ask with a my hands flailing in the air.

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