24~~ Bull Fucking Shit!

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Six Months Later...

"Come on Just Lee, hurry up!"

"It's been six months and you still add the Just to my name"

"Yes. Now hurry up, it's almost 5:15am and the Siamese alongside Jumba will soon wake up" I whisper fiercely and smack him at the back of his head while reminding him of Jumba the head guard.

"I don't know how you talked me into this", he says with an eye roll as we quickly grab the coveralls and head for the main entrance.

"Remember just like we practiced", I murmur as I walk very fast, occasionally looking over my shoulders just like in the past.

I missed this.

The adrenaline rush, my blood pumping, my heart racing, my mind being at unease. All of it, I've missed this.

"Did you bring the screw driver?" Lee asks and I hand it to him still checking out the area.

"Alright Lee, I've disabled the cameras and right now we have sixty seconds until the alarm goes off for five fifteen.

Staying in an asylum for almost seven months will make you learn a thing or two.

I try to focus on the task at hand but my mind keeps taking me back to the last six months.

I can't quite say if they got rid of Stacy or not. I mean she's my other self and most likely the braver one. She came through for me even when I didn't realize. The psychotherapy was rigorous and I had to fight it because truth be told, I didn't want to get rid of Stacy.

After that letter Jack sent, my anxiety rose and I tried to get back to Jack. Lee and I became pretty close and he helped me deliver my messages to Jack.

I was able to gather that Mum and Damien are in some sort of trouble. The house has been heavily guarded with security ever since mum put me here.

Trust mum to become way too paranoid.

In one of Jack's letters he said that Eric and Nicholas are not aware I was sent to the Asylum. Mum told them I ran off again.

At this point in my life, I don't still know why mother would do all these. Jack never explained to me and he always kept his letters brisk.

I never quite understood his first message, 'we are in trouble'. What sort of trouble could they be in and why would he tell me?

He never mentioned anything of sort after that. Couldn't the trouble have passed away after six months? None of these makes any sense.

This is what has been keeping me up all night for the last six months. I developed insomnia. I don't talk as much as I used to and I haven't had Stacy talk to me. It's like I don't have an inner me anymore.

I've lost a huge deal of weight and it's like I've shrunken in height as well. My hair is long, bushy and lifeless, my finger nails are torn and ugly. Sometimes I don't even know who I am.

Truth be told, if it wasn't for Lee I'd have probably committed suicide by now. Margaret and Matilda have been really helpful. Helpful yes but not understanding.

At the end of the day all that matters is who understands you and not just understand you, they comprehend you as well.

I've missed Nicholas to be honest and a little bit of Wilder even though he can be an ass sometimes.

I sometimes think back to that fateful day in Asher's room and can't help but wonder how my life would have turned out if I wasn't at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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