25~~ This Is Absurd

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"I guess this is it" I say to myself as I knock on Nicholas's door.

Finding his house was war. I had to comb the internet for good forty five minutes with my shaky hands. All I got where bits and pieces and eventually I just had to figure out where he has been and put two and two together and so here I am.

The only thing is, it's  way past nine pm and I don't know if he'd be at home.

Funny how famous people post a lot on social media. Don't they know that social media is like a mini window to their actual lives? Or am I just being paranoid?

"You're just in time for the..."

Nicholas begins to say as he opens the door and comes face to face with me.

Was he expecting anyone?


"May I come in?", I ask with a smile and a shrug.

"Of course", he says gesturing me into the house.

"Thank you", I whisper and hand him my coat once I got in.

"Wow! This is such a pleasant surprise. What do I get you? Beer? Soda? Wine? Water?"

"Do you have any juice box?", I ask and he just smiles as he goes to the kitchen, gets a juice box out of the refrigerator and hands it to me.

"Are you expecting anyone?", I ask admiring how hot he looks in just a short and a white tee shirt with his bed hair. Gosh! How long has it been since I've been with a man? I ask myself and immediately shrug away the depressing answer.

"Yes um, Eric. You know Eric right. Yeah he is supposed to meet me here for the game. Which is about to start in the next ten minutes", he says as he sits down eventually.

"Why are you here?" He asks as he eyes my choice of dressing.

I'm putting on a long, black, straight gown. Which is weird even for me but for a good reason.

"Where is Stefan?", I ask looking around for his son.

"Fast asleep in his room, why?" He says and I eventually sit down.

"Look, I know you think I ran away but I didn't. Mum put me in an asylum and..."

"Um Samantha, I know. Eric knows. We came to visit you while you were there. You don't remember?"

"You guys did what?", I ask as my brain spirals in confusion.

What the hell is happening right now?

"Yeah we were the ones, under the instructions of your mother that drove you there and we visited you about five times or thereabout because I had to travel to India for a surgery and few meetings and didn't come back until two weeks ago."

Why would Jack tell me mum told them I ran off?

"Um?", I ask leaving my mouth open and I'm pretty sure my face is like that of that guy in 'we're the Millers' right now.

"Your mum told us that you often times suffer from severe memory lapse and that's why we had to take you to the asylum ourselves?", He says not getting my confusion

"But why don't I remember when you guys came to see me? And why did Jack tell me..." I ask fading off and just staring into space.

This is messed up.

He shrugs before replying,

"I don't know but you welcomed us pretty well"

We hear a knock on the door and Nicholas rushes to get the door.

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