12~~ And The Awkward Moment Begins

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"Just wow! Can this night end very badly?", I mutter

"Can I come in or are you planning to leave me here to freeze?"

"I don't have any other choice do I?",  I whisper and let him in.
I shut the door behind me and slowly walk towards him.

"Wilder, Macaulay! Macaulay, Wilder!" I introduce them.

"No need to tell me. Wonderful to see you again Nicholas", Eric states and embraces Nicholas.

"Eric! What a pleasant surprise. How are you? What are you doing here?"

They exchange pleasantries and I just stare in disbelief.

"Can someone explain to me what is going on and what you guys are doing in my house?" I exasperatedly say, swinging my hands in the air.

"I believe you owe me an explanation Samantha? Or should I say Simone",Nicholas murmurs as he takes his seat.

"And you also owe me an explanation too?", Eric butts in.
I remove my wig and apron and throw them into the kitchen. I nervously munch on a cookie.

"No! I do not owe any of you any fucking explanation. How did you get past security Wilder and how did you find me Nicholas?"

Eric laughs and Nicholas cracks his knuckles.
"Why don't you have a seat?", Eric suggest.

"I don't want to have a seat! I am already having a cookie", I state and emphatically throw a cookie into my mouth.

"Well if you must so badly know how I got past security...", Eric begins and gestures for me to sit down. I sit down beside Nicholas who runs his fingers through his hair. Eric on the other hand clears his throat and I munch nervously on my cookies.

"I am the richest kid in the world"

"You mean you are the kid of the richest man in the world?", I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I have my own money. Now if you'd let me finish"
I nod and from my peripheral vision, spot Nicholas shaking his leg maybe out of habit or impatience. He runs his fingers through his hair multiple times again and now I'm guessing that's out of habit.

"...and then I wasn't sure if it was you guys..."

Great! Now you weren't paying attention.

"I'm sorry. I didn't get that", I say throwing another piece of cookie into my mouth.

Marco comes running towards me and sits comfortably on my lap.

"Excuse me", I mutter and carry Marco into the kitchen.

"Is my baby hungry?", I whisper ruffling his fur. I open the cupboard and take out a pack of biscuit bones. I put it in his dish bowl and immediately, he sets to work on that. I add water to his water bowl and leave him alone.

"Sorry fellas!"
I say, entering the living room.

"I was starting to wonder if you..."

"Don't think about it. Just don't",I say, cutting Nicholas off from making a sarcastic comment and settling down on the couch.

"So where were we?"

"I was telling you how I got past security"

"Right! So..."

"The point is I'm rich and I have my ways"

"That's it Wilder? You are rich? Wow I didn't realize and you Nicholas? How did you find me?

"Well... I am rich and smart. When I figured that you were not really Simone and you were Samantha, I knew I just had to find you so I started tracking the Montero Mansion. I mean it is the grandest house and most protected in Chicago, Illinois"

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