29~~ Betrayed!

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"We're here!", Nicholas announces as we arrive the 'great' Montero mansion.

"Indeed we are", Damien says gaging the big house with his eyes.

"Well let's get to it shall we?", Eric says and I just simply nod. A sudden feeling sinks at the pit of my stomach.

"Isabella Mummy Montero! Come out come out wherever the hell you are", I scream at the top of my lungs as we enter the house.

Nothing is heard and seen.

I give them the direction of the house, except the photography room and the secret room. I sneakily slip into the secret room and there's no one there.

Where the hell are you mum?

What if she already left? I mean she probably knows we're onto her right?

I exit the secret room and head for the photography room. I think now would be a good time to remind myself of the good things and days we've had as a family.

I do miss dad and I really wish he was here with me right now.

I gracefully walk through the room, touching every picture with sincere tenderness in my heart and happy tears in my eyes.

"Knock knock!", Nicholas says and enters the room.

"Hi!", I say and give him a simply smile.

"How are you holding up?", He asks genuinely.

"Well considering the fact that my mother might have something to do with the real killer and intentionally kept quiet, I'm beginning to think I might have mummy issues", I say picking out an album on the stand and sitting on the floor.

Nicholas takes another album and sits with me in comfortable silence.

"What's this?", Nicholas asks pointing at a picture of me holding a cub by the leash.

"Oh this", I say chuckling lightly.

"I've always been a very wanting child and for my fifth birthday I didn't want a pretty dress for my birthday present. I told daddy dearest I wanted a cub as a pet and he obliged", I say tracing my fingers through the image.

"Well now I know you dined with a baby lion it makes you more daunting", Nicholas says with a very sweet smile.

I laugh heartily at this and just stare at him, lost in my own thoughts.

Do I love this guy?

"What about this one?", He asks pointing to a picture of an angry me holding the head of a teddy and a very happy Damien holding on to a harmonica.

"Poor Banjo! I tore up his head because I was angry our aunt gave him the harmonica. It should have been my Christmas present", I murmur innocently.

"Vicious I see"

"I'm not proud of what I did" I say with an eye roll and a scoff.

Nicholas picks up the album he has and a USB drive falls out of it.

"What's this?" I ask picking it up.

"You're a Montero and obviously in better place to provide an answer", he says shrugging.

"Well maybe my mum made a video and kept. She did have a thing for the whole photography thing back then" I say looking for a PC to insert it into.

"Alright" he says and helps me insert it.

A video starts playing and we just stare at the screen.

"Damien don't go there. You'll drown", Father calls and picks up Damien before he falls head first into the pool.

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