2~~ I Didn't Realize It Was An Action Movie

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Samantha above⬆⬆

Just then,
Someone jumps in from the window

I and Asher's gaze whip towards the stranger who just flew in through the window.

He is wearing a yellow mask that is covering half of his face, making it impossible to recognize him. I sense danger but I still stand my ground, the knife still planted in my hand.

Why do I have a feeling that this will not end well?

The masked stranger looks from Asher to me, with the way his gaze flickers at me, I suddenly get this feeling that he knows me and wasn't expecting me to be here, I can see a flash of recognition pass through his eyes. With his grey eyes, I try to recall where I've seen those all too familiar grey eyes. Before I can register what's happening, he rushes towards me.

I try to dodge him but he's quicker, he holds my hand firmly with the knife still in my hand. I try screaming but he uses his other hand to gag me. I look at Asher and notice him fidgeting with his phone. I sure hope he's trying to call 911.

I try to stomp on his foot but he crushes my legs in between his thighs. I try biting his fingers but it's futile. It's like he's a karate fighter or something.

Just then, my stomach picks the accurate time to rumble so lowly.

Not now stomach!

The masked stranger grabs a hold of me and moves towards Asher. He stabs Asher with the knife still wrapped between my fingers. I scream so loud, hoping someone will come hurriedly. He stabs Asher multiple times, getting splatters of blood on my face. The masked stranger still refuses to let go of me as he continues to plunge the knife into different parts of Asher's body.

Asher soon drops dead on the floor, his body becoming limp. Just as the masked stranger appears, he also vanishes but not before I notice the somewhat familiar, tattooed half crescent at the back of his neck. I fall on the floor and begin weeping terribly.

Few minutes later, the personal assistant of Asher comes in and screams her lungs out. I just lay there helpless, the tears refusing to come out.

She takes out her phone and calls the police while I cry and rock back and forth, looking at my dead boss. He was living few minutes ago. He didn't deserve death.

"Holy fuck!", Jack exclaims when he enters the room. He kneels in front of me and hugs me. I was too shaken up to say anything. Suddenly I feel the bile rising up my throat and I hastily get up but before I could reach the bathroom, I already throw up at the door.

Soon enough, the room is crowded with other workers and detectives.

"Hi! I am detective Larry. How did this happen?"

"Officer, I had no idea how this happened. I only heard her scream and rushed up here and before I could get here Mr Asher was gone", Ashley, Asher's personal assistant says weeping.

Detective Larry takes down notes and moves to question Jack. Forensic floods in, taking notes and fingerprints for scan.

"Hi I'm..."
"Detective Larry and I'm Samantha", I say with tears in my eyes.

"Yea. How did this happen?", he asks in a matter of fact tone.

"Miss Ashley here told me that Mr Asher needed room service and I obliged. Getting here, he was in the shower and I decided to wait for him. When he came out, I asked what he wanted and he said a bottle of champagne. I was going to get it for him but he blocked the exit and he wanted to make his way with me. I was so scared, I held out the butter knife to scare him a little and then someone jumps in through that window. With the knife in my hand, he grabs my hand, against my will and stabs Mr Asher", I rant, with tears flowing uncontrollably from my eyes.

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