20~~ Drugged

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"She has to know the god-damned truth Isabella! How long do you plan on keeping her in the dark?"

"Don't you dare go raising your voice at me young man. I'll tell her the truth when the time is right. I am her mother and I'll never do anything to hurt her"

My eyes fly open as I realize I wasn't just dreaming. The voices continue to dance around my ears as I try to place the familiarity of the other one.
I feel a little bit disoriented for some time before realizing I'm in the secret room again.

I look at the TV screen and see only mother drinking a cup of coffee.
I thought she was talking with someone just now?

Looks like you thought wrong!

I groan as I rub my head. Was I really just dreaming? Who was the other person I heard?

Mother has been acting very suspicious lately and I have to get my answers today.

By the way where is Marco?

I take a quick shower and throw on the nearest clothes I could find. A black t-shirt and a denim short dungaree over it. I french plait my hair in two and put on a smile.

"Mom!" I call out as I exit the room only for me to halt in my tracks as I come face to face with Damien!

A smile plays across his face and I just stand there in utter shock. I open my mouth and nothing comes out. He's alive!

Oh my goodness! I feel chills run through my veins and my feet become numb. A feeling of happiness, fear, excitement and confusion dance across my face.

This has to be a dream!

I close my eyes and count to ten breathing in and out slowly. I open my eyes and to my surprise and disappointment, there's no one there.

"Damien!", I call out in hopes and fear that he'd answer. I'm glad he's not dead but I'm scared he has come for his revenge.

"Damien" I scream louder this time as I begin laughing in hysterics and searching the whole house.

Did he disappear or vanish or was I actually hallucinating?

"Nadine? What's wrong?", Mom asks as she rushes to me.

Did she actually have a conversation with Damien or was I actually dreaming?

Adrenaline courses through my veins as I continue calling out to Damien and basically messing up the entire house in search for him.

"Mom I saw Damien", I say eventually taking a break and panting heavily like I just ran a marathon.

She stares at me not wavering her gaze for a second until she bursts into fits of laughter. I just stare at her and wonder what's so funny.

"Did you maybe see your dad too?" She asks as he holds her side still chuckling.

"Yes, I saw dad and grandma and all the angels in heaven"

Mom continues laughing  and I just crossly stare at her
"I'm serious mom, I saw Damien. He was standing right there looking at me", I say pointing to where he was standing few minutes ago and furiously stomping my feet on the ground.

"Nadine, Damien has been dead for over a decade now. Come and have a glass of milk, you've been through so much already" she says gesturing me towards the kitchen.

"You have to believe me mom. I have never mentioned Damien before mom so why would I mention him now? I swear I saw him", I say searching her eyes, hoping she'd believe me at least.

"Look Sam you're too young to have dementia. Maybe we should go to a psychiatrist or something"

"I am not crazy!", I yell pulling out my hair.

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