18~~ Somebody Pinch Me

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You know that part in movies when you think the main character can't possibly go through more drama and just then tons of drama starts to happen at once? Well yeah, I think this is it and the only difference between my life and a movie right now is the fact that the actors know they are acting and I don't!

I didn't ask to be part of this movie or the cast or the plot or any of it? Maybe if they had asked nicely, I'd be part of it or at least considered it. Do I really have to go through torture before I see the end credits?

These are the thoughts that races through my mind as I hear Uncle Austin's voice for the first time in almost seven years.

Nicholas looks at me and I just stare blankly into the huge bamboo door.

They are so beautiful!

I turn around sharply and stare right into Uncle Austin's eyes and he stares right back

Act cool Sam remember you're Janine.

I give a very forced, tight lipped smile and breathe out slowly

"Well Mr Austin, I'd say I'm a bit shocked to find you speaking"

Nicholas takes my hands in his trying to send me some sort of comfort.

"So Austin, what do you know about Samantha's case?"

"Look guys, whatever it is I just want you to know that I never intended for any of these and now that I've probably spoken I might be dead within the next twenty four hours"

"Okayyy! I guess this is a very serious issue then", Nicholas says as we both take our sits

So serious they threaten my uncle?

"On the day of Asher's murder, I was attacked by a man in a mask in this very house. And I couldn't see anything clearly because I was dealt with a blow to the chin. He had this very grey eyes and he started sweating profusely. He told me that if I let you win the case he'd kill me and my family and I couldn't let that happen. My daughter had just given birth and I couldn't afford to loose my first grandchild. Then he said if he wasn't in a hurry he'd have given me a scar to show how serious he was. He left but before he left I noticed a tattoo on the back of his neck. A crescent shaped tattoo. Also, his lighter fell off from his back pocket" Uncle Austin says and after saying that he let out a huge sigh of relief and he began to cry.

I nod my head in understanding and stretch out my hand to his and give him a reassuring pat.

"Do you happen to have this lighter that fell off?, Nicholas asks

Uncle Austin nods and he gets up, probably to go and get it.

"Are you okay?", Nicholas asks immediately Austin was out of sight.

"Yeah, I'm just wondering... It could be the same dude that killed Asher that possibly threatened Uncle Austin but why?"

"I don't know Sam I guess we'll find out when we get to Chicago or the hotel at least"

"Fuck I'm so tired" I state as I close my eyes and place my head on my hand

Somebody pinch me!

"Here is the lighter now please leave before anything dramatic happens" , he says as he rushes us out of his house

"Thank you so much", Nicholas says and collects the lighter

He helps me out of the house and into the car. I take the lighter from him and study it.

It's not your regular lighter. This looks very well customized with a crescent shape on it just like the tattoo I saw.

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