4~~ The Real Killer

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"Up and down the city roads,
In and out of the Eagle,
That's the way the monkey goes,
Pop! Goes the weasel."

"Why do you love whistling?"

"It's a reflex action"

I say looking at my reflection in the cracked mirror like window. Overgrown brown hair, dull grey eyes. My freckles is close to invisible now. My pale skin is now taut and hard. My finger nails are chipped and have dirt underneath them. I sigh in contempt and move to the double bunk.

"More importantly why do you love whistling that song?"

"My maternal grandma used it to put me to sleep" I say suddenly not sure anymore. I Fe so different sometimes and other times I don't recognize myself.

"Hush, go to bed and turn off the lights", the guard to our cell whispers harshly, interrupting our conversation. I look at Tallulah and she doesn't seem happy at all that she got interrupted.

Our other two new prisoners are already fast asleep. Tallulah tries to get up to probably talk some sense to the guard but I stop her and tell her to calm down.

Which is ironic because I'm the one with the slightly temper issue. Slightly!

"He's a new guard and doesn't know the drill. Let me handle it", I mutter subtly.

I get up slowly, the guard eyeing me mysteriously, I walk towards him in an intimidating manner. I reach the bars separating us but still hover way above him.

"Listen here punk....I've been here for two fucking years for something I didn't do and if you think your little warning is going to shut us up then you're in for a ride. Now you either scram or you shut the fuck up. One more fucking word from you about us talking and I'll cut off your balls..."

I reach through the prison bars and grab his member for effect, he squirms beneath my touch and tries to wiggle free but the more he struggles, the more I tighten my grip around them. His eyes suddenly water from the pain I'm inflicting.

"...And use it to make soup for my late night snack. Got it?"
He nods hastily and I release him. He falls to his knees and I give him a dirty smirk.

I know I'm going to pay for the assault of a prison guard later...

"Where did you learn that?", Tallulah asks with astonishment. I just shrug.

Tallulah is also a fellow prisoner like me. She has been here way longer than I've been. She welcomed me with open arms. I told her everything and I remember her saying;

"Dear, this world is vile and the killer is obviously someone you know no doubt. The sooner you accept this the better for you"

"But I don't know lot of people", I had replied with tears in my eyes.

"You're here now. Cry all you want or face reality"

Tallulah had said in a straight forward manner. It took me few weeks to adapt and gain the head of the prisoners, attracting hate from other prisoners.

I was even allowed to interact with the guys, something that was never done. I made two good friends especially.

Tallulah, my cell mate and Jojo my guy friend.

Tallulah was sentenced to forty years imprisonment for the manslaughter of her niece, while Jojo was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his daughter.

I know right! Why will someone murder his daughter or manslaughter her niece?

Experience indeed is the best teacher. By the looks of it, these two have changed from what I've been told and the moment I told them about my plan on escaping from here they agreed.

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