22~~One Moment Of Relief

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"Today you'll be undergoing a psychiatric exam where you will be asked some questions about your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. With your permission and cooperation we would also like to ask some family members some questions that may be helpful to your cause", Matilda rambles on like a robot.

Jesus Christ!

"Is this why you woke me up so early?", I ask the two of them with a sleepy eye as I lean my chin on my palm trying to stay awake

"Yes. The brain is usually focused and responsive at this hour" Margaret says not even looking up from the book she's writing in.

"What the actual fuck guys. It's like five in the morning. My brain will certainly not respond"

"Focus!" Matilda demands.

"Go torment some other patient" I mumble and place my head on the table ready to doze off.


I jerk my head up to Matilda banging her fist on the table.

"Ugh!", I groan in a very frustrated manner.

"Now that we have your attention we need you to relax and focus. Yesterday you went through the physical examination but today will be more of a psychiatric examination", Margaret says.

"So when does the psychotherapy begin", I ask trying to rub away the left over sleepiness off my eyes as I yawn.

" It has already begun. Now the psychiatric exam is more like the physical examination but this time I'm not just trying to talk to you. I'm going to talk to your alter ego"

"What's that?", I ask giving them my full attention.

I see them smiling as they've gotten my attention.

"Well according to psychology, an alter ego is a second identity or aspect of a person that exist metaphorically as his or her substitute or representative, with different characteristics" Matilda joyfully explains.

I just stare at them very puzzled, trying to wrap my head around what she just said.

I open my mouth to ask questions but no words come out.

"I'm sure you're wondering if it's a good thing or not", Matilda says.

How did I get from running away from the FBIs and Mi6 to being diagnosed with having DID and possibly an alter ego?

"In and out slowly", Margaret says

"Hmm", I say looking really lost.

"You're not breathing"

I mouth an 'O' and slowly take deep breaths.

"Just relax okay we have patients like you year in, year out", Margaret says in a matter of fact tone and tries to give me a relaxing smile.

"Okay so back to this alter ego thingy. Is it bad?" I ask while running my hand through my hair.

"Just as every good thing has a bad side so does alter egos. It has the good side and the bad side. A well thought out alter ego can help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. It can allow you to step out of the box that you've created for yourself and do something that's totally out of character for you. Your alter ego can help you get out of your own way", Matilda explains.

"Most alter egos are created as coping mechanisms due to some bad circumstances that must have taken place in your life. A person can have an alter ego and not be aware of it while another person can be aware of it. One person can have up to five, ten alter egos with different roles to play. For example, superman is the alter ego to Clark Kent. Spider man is the alter ego to Peter Parker. Even our famous Beyonce has her own alter ego, Sasha Fierce. These people have alter egos that help them in one way or the other", Margaret adds.

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