21~~ Gothic Camp

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I slowly open my eyes, completely unaware of the time. I groan in pain as I still feel the effects of the drugs.

I sit up and try to take in my surroundings. A huge stench of drugs and vomit wafts through my nose.

"Where am I?"

I murmur to myself and look around. I'm currently sitting on a bed that's squeaky. With finger scratches on the wall and the sound of people wailing and murmuring incoherently.

Gothic Camp!

"I couldn't agree more", I mutter as I stand up slowly, shaking my head trying to shake off the rest of the drug effects off me.

Memories of me pleading with mom floods through my head.

I slowly walk up to the gates and notice a shadow by the corner of the next cell.

I'm in a cell? I ask myself as I see some spiders around the corners.
The shadow begins to get prominent and I swallow in fear.
I feel cold air around me and the hairs on my skin stands on end.

"Boo!", The shadow turns to a face and I let out a little Yelp.

"You're fresh and sweet", the voice of the face who turns out to be a somewhat old lady says

"Who are you?", I ask thanking God for the iron bars that separated us.

"I am Venus. But they call me Crazy V"

"So where's Jupiter", I say with a satisfied smirk.

Good to know someone hasn't lost her spark.

"You don't light a torch and put it under a cover", I say smiling and it soon turns to a neutral frown as the slightly older lady sternly stares at me.

"Geez! You don't get the joke?", I ask with an eye roll

"No I do, I just don't appreciate it", she says folding her hands beneath her bossom.

"Alright so where am I?", I ask with a confused look as I stare around.

"And why is it so dark?"

"Believe it or not you're in the best room in Gothic Camp"

"If this is the best, I never want to see the worst", I state in a matter of fact tone flicking my eyeballs around the room

"Isn't Gothic Camp an asylum where they care for people who are mentally ill?" I ask

And she looks at me as if to say 'duh'

Realization hits me and slams me to ground so hard. I start to feel my head hurt and hot tears fill my eyes. I clench and unclench my fist multiple times as I bow my head to the ground.

Beads of tears fall the ground and I suddenly have the primal urge to scream and trash the room.

But wouldn't that prove even further that you're mentally ill?

Is there anyone who understands me at all?

"You okay there?" Venus asks as she picks her nose.

Um... Ew?

I begin to study her. A middle aged Australian(because of her accent)woman who looks like she's in her mid forties with skin as thick as a hide and  hair so black and so luscious. She's not so petite but neither is she so huge. She has a perfectly shaped teeth with some yellow stains on them and nose so small with round cheeks and ruby red lips.

She's pretty!

"Hellooooo", she calls out snapping her fingers in the air.
I snap out of my deep assessment and just nod at her completely forgetting what she asked me.

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