6~~ Looks Like Someone Needs Another Escapade

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"Those we love don't always go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, still loved, still missed and still very dear"

The girl from the screen says. I glue my eyes to the TV, watching intently and eating a bowl of popcorn.

"Wow! The world's most feared assassin has gone soft. The world has lost a great...make that two great heroes. Silent Killer and Godfather. I mean she's only a kid but damn do I have a lot of respect for that girl", I mutter to myself as I munch away on the pop corn.

"What's that Cathy?", Gina calls from somewhere inside. For a moment, I look around, wondering who the hell Cathy is but I soon realize that's my name. Rather fake name.

"Oh nothing Gina", I reply turning my attention back to the screen.

"Oh I see talking to yourself again I see?", she yawns as she enters the living room. She settles herself on the rocking chair.

What do old people see in that chair?

Beats me dude! Beats me!

"It's a reflex action", I answer and she chuckles.

"Oh Cathy! I'm beginning to think that everything you do is a reflex action. First your whistling, second your lip biting, third your self talking, fourth your  hair twirling and the list goes on", she says, giving a toothy grin.

I tilt my lips upward, in an attempt to smile but my cheeks hurt from the pain while my eyes water a bit. Oh boy! I can't even give a fake smile. I may be good at lying but definitely not acting.

To lie perfectly, aren't I in a way acting? Ugh!

"Well when you watch someone like Jemima Valerian, you holding back yourself is next to impossible", I say but frown as I notice fear written all over her face.

"Ugh! You're so dramatic Gina. Relax and breathe, your eyes are like saucers right now. Besides, it's not like she's going to dagger her way out of the TV screen", I say rather irritatingly.

"Cathy dear...", she pauses and I cringe at the endearment. Ugh!

"Don't ever be so brash. She's a spoilt brat who has no regard for anyone", Gina says with disgust laced in her tone.

I angrily get up and leave the room to the backyard. Who does she think she is?

A philantrophist.

Yes I know but that doesn't give her the right to bad mouth my favorite celebrity. Ugh!

I spot the football in the garage and kick furiously at the fence. All I want is just to live a normal life and play internationally. Is that too much to ask?

Curse the person who killed Asher? Maybe if I had listened to mother I'd be a graduate of psychology by now. Is It so wrong I want to follow my passion?

"I've been here for two weeks. I need to leave this goddamn place". I mutter to myself as usual.

"If my father hadn't died in that stupid Mafia riot that happened in London, perhaps I'd have been free from all this misfortunes upon misfortunes. Oh who am I kidding? His fucking money didn't help me while he was alive. Curse you dad but I still love you anyway". I mutter as I practice my bicycle kick with the ball.

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