27~~ Calculated Moves

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"When you're extremely calm and apathetic during a very serious situation, it just means that there's a storm brewing"

"So what do I do dad?", An eight year old me asks my father who is cleaning up my injury on my elbow or more like changing my cast.

I had just gotten into a fight with a kid at karate class. He had called me a boy and I had anger issues. My parents never took me to any form of anger management class or whatever. They always wanted to handle things their way and they thought me joining karate was the best way to fuel anger.

I was eight, what did I know? Apparently, nothing. This kid called me a boy and God how I hated being called that. I nicely asked him to stop but he didn't. I just kept on smiling, void of feeling and very calm. I willed for him not to come closer at the same time sizing him up.

He was as big as me but looked three years older and I think that's what made him feel inferior.

But boys and their fragile egos right? They will always think they can get away with bullying a girl. He came closer and in the blink of an eye, my fist connected to his ears. I think his ear drums got busted.

"You little bitch" he scowled and that was when I learned to never throw the first punch no matter what! Not even if I am right or if I'm being humiliated. Never throw the first punch.

"When you feel this way, I want you to take a step back and analyze the situation on ground. Process your actions and reactions in your head thoroughly. Let it go through due examinations before doing anything ", Dad said as he wrapped the last bit of cast around my elbows.

I had come home with a broken elbow and the boy had gone home, partially deaf.
I'm not proud of what I did and I have learned from my mistakes.


That same feeling of calm and void I felt those years comes rushing back as I stare at Jack. My supposed "best friend".

"Hi Jack", I say with as much courage as I can muster. I feel my body shake with sadness and my insides melt as I am about to confront him.

Eric leans against the car and Nicholas just stands hands akimbo watching me.

"You gotta hurry up though, time's our enemy right now and we gotta race it", Nicholas says, more like murmur.

"Jack. All I ask for is the truth", I say.

"I have nothing to tell you", he replies, shrugging his shoulders

"Do you know anything concerning the murders of Asher Hudson and Uncle Austin?"

"Why am I being interrogated Sam? Why are you with these people? I am your best friend! Me! I have been through thick and thin with you and all of a sudden you trust them with your life?", Jack says vehemently as he gesticulates frantically in the air.

I close my eyes and sharply suck in the air around me. I count to five and open my eyes again.

"That's not what I asked", I say way too calmly.

"I know nothing Samantha", he says rather aggressively.

"Listen to me Jack! You better tell me everything you know or"

"Or what? Kill me like you did to Asher?", He bites back.

"Hey watch it", Nicholas says rushing towards him. Eric just stands there probably reeling from shock.

I take a step back and just chuckle lightly. I comb by fingers through my hair and look at the sky. I feel a glint of tear in the corner of my eye.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

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