41 - dear Emmy

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On Monday morning the owls flitted through the rafters into the Great Hall and wrecked their usual carnage on the breakfast table.

The Astrals shrieked as a bowl of scrambled eggs went flying and the pile of toast skidded a meter away, teetering scarily close to the edge of the table before Dorcas lunged and caught it triumphantly.

Emmy however was still trying to fend off the large bird that had causes such chaos as it pecked at her fingers when she tried to take her letter off its ankle.

She cursed as it nipped her thumb and pulled the folded paper free. She recognised Hestia's swirling handwritten immediately and opened it with a small smile.

Dear Emmy,

We've been doing better recently, thank you. Axel's getting more used to his wheelchair and the team at St. Mungo's have been a big help in getting him home. I'm so glad you wrote to me, with everything going on, I'm not sure I would have had time to think of even getting some paper out unless I had someone to reply to. It's been so lovely to hear from you, we must meet up soon... maybe at The Three Broomsticks on one of your Hogsmeade weekends?

Axel's been so keen for me to get out and see friends again, I think he feels guilty for relying on me so much, but there's no easy way around it. He knows I'd do anything for him, that's what you do when you love someone, right? How are you all doing at Hogwarts? Must be so strange being back there, hope you're alright and have lots to keep you busy.

We just had a quiet Halloween this year, me and Axel, a couple of sweet little kids from the neighbourhood we've moved into came round for some trick-or-treating which was lovely. We're renting a little house near my grandparent's in Oxford. It's on one of the main floo lines, perfect for the weekly appointments at St. Mungo's.

We've decided to stay in the country for a bit seeing as we know all the healers here so well now, and since we've graduated, there's no need to go anywhere else! Anyway, I really hope to see you soon, let me know when you might get some time off and I'll pop up.

Love, Hestia

Emmy tucked the letter into her satchel and made a mental note to reply later. After tugging on her cosiest cardigan she stood up from the table and excused herself.

She wanted to speak to Dumbledore about which days she would be helping out. She actually loved spending time teaching the younger kids, it gave her a sense of purpose, something she desperately needed now more than ever.

She was just heading up the spiralling staircase to the north wing when she bumped into a familiar face.

"Emmy! I've missed you so much," squealed Tonks, throwing her arms around her. Tonks' hair was bright pink today, complementing her unusually blue eyes. Despite her ever-changing appearance, Emmy could tell it was her immediately. 

"How've you been?" she asked breathlessly.

"Well, you know..."

"Yeah, I get it, I'm the same. You know, if you ever want to talk?"

Tonks grinned softly, "Thanks Emmy, it's just weird being back here to be honest."

"Takes some getting used to, right?"


"Hey look I should probably get going, but I'd love to catch up properly sometime soon. How about we meet up for some butterbeers this weekend?"

Tonks brightened up and nodded eagerly, "It's love that."

"Great! I'll see you soon then," Emmy replied stepping away. She'd turned around before Tonks called out.

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