3 - that's my girl

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It was a few days later when Emmy finally cornered Remus by the Black Loch. He and his friends had been lazing around in one of the overgrown trees by the shore, but at the sight of her storming in their direction they hurriedly dropped from its branches.

She could hear the James muttering as he grabbed his bag,

"Angry female, angry female. Vacate the area!"

Sirius pulled him back by the back of his jumper with a growl.

Remus looked utterly terrified as he stepped forward to meet her.

"We need to talk," she began.

"Y-yes we do," he stammered.

To her infuriation, despite waiting so long for this moment, her words now failed her. In truth she hadn't quite got to the point in her plan where he might actually reply to her.

"I haven't seen you in over a decade," she stuttered.

"I know, I missed y-"

She scoffed loudly, "Really? Could've fooled me."

"I did, Emmy," he pleaded.

"You ignored all of my letters and haven't made as much as eye contact since I got here, never mind actually come to speak to me!"

Other students nearby were beginning to stare; none of them had ever seen Remus Lupin getting into trouble.

"Emmy, I can explain. Please just calm down!"

But telling Emmeline Lupin to calm down was not, under any circumstances, a good idea. Pure icy rage crossed her face and even Sirius Black stopped smirking.

Remus gulped and tried again, "Come on, Emmy, please."

All that stopped Emmy pulling out her wand to hex him was Lily's hand on her shoulder,

"Hey Emmy, maybe we should go inside? I think it might help..."

There was a tense minute before she nodded and turned to walk back up to the school, Remus following at a nervous distance. Lily put her arm out to stop James and Sirius following, watching the two warily.

"Don't you think we should go after them?" asked Alice.

"Emmy can handle it," she replied firmly. "She's not going to hurt him anyway."

"You sure?" asked Marlene skeptically. "I think she was pretty close earli- guys! Really?"

Peter was standing with his camera out, taking a picture as James excitedly gestured to Lily's arm touching his jumper.

Sirius face-palmed as the girl jumped away.

"Really mate?"

"Unbelievable!" she yelped.


The walk up to the castle was tense to say the least. Emmy could Remus following behind her but couldn't find the strength to slow to let him catch up. She rounded on him in the first empty classroom they found.

"Ok, out with it," she spat.

He looked up at her slowly, those green eyes taking the air from her lungs. They were just like their father's.


The next words came out as a croak, "Remus, I need- I need to know why."

He nodded, clenched his jaw and began, "You know I was bitten by Fenrir Greyback when we were four years old..."

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