26 - Marauder's Map

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As the first few days of winter drifted past, snow started to settle on the turrets of the castle. Owls flitted through the railing and over iced treetops, shaking snowflakes over the breakfast table as they delivered the post.

On the sixth of December, Emmy received another letter from Euphemia. It arrived with a small package wrapped in brown paper and ribbon.

James leant closer to read the letter over Emmy's shoulder.

Dear Emeline,

We were very pleased to hear that the first task went so well for you. Fleamont and I are over the moon! James mentioned a Yuletide ball taking place in a couple of weeks, so I thought I'd include a little something for you to wear if you'd like them? I won't be offended if you decide not to, but I didn't know how much jewellery you have and I've always wanted a daughter to spoil anyway!

With love,

"It's official, you've been adopted, Emmy," James joked, picking up the parcel and tossing it between his hands. "She's already started passing on the family heirlooms if this is what I think it is."

"Give it here," she laughed, taking it back. A small velvet box lay inside the crinkled paper, with a quiet click it popped open to reveal the most beautiful pair of earrings Emmy had ever seen. There were thick opal teardrops at the end of gorgeously iridescent golden chains that sparkled in the morning sunlight. They were simply perfect.

"What's that, Ems?" asked Sirius curiously from the other side of the table, looking up from his plate of haggis.

Emmy quickly brushed away the tears that had began forming in her eyes, "Nothing!"

He gave her a suspicious look but continued his conversation with Peter and Remus as James sat down next to Emmy.

"So, you going to wear them for the ball?" he asked, grinning fondly at her.

"If I can find a dress to do them justice," she smiled.

"Don't you dare mention that to my mother, she'll be down at Hogwarts within an hour to offer you her wedding dress," he smirked.

Emmy bumped his shoulder with his, "I think she's brilliant."

"Oh, she is, but she really has adopted you now. Welcome to the family, we're a bit mad but then again so are you if you've made it this far!"

Dorcas looked over then, "Emmy, we're going to head down to Hogsmeade later in the afternoon I think so it's less busy, that ok with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine, Dory. Hey, look at these, Euphemia's just sent me them!"

"Oh Emmy, they're gorgeous!" she replied, sighing over them. "I've got a pair of gold satin heels that would go perfectly with them, remind me to look them out later."

"Will do. Thank you!" she called, before getting back to her breakfast and tucking the box into her school satchel.


At half four, the Astrals headed down to Hogsmeade to get their dresses. The wind was howling but thankfully the snow had stopped, it was just horrendously icy instead.

They had to hold onto each other to stop themselves slipping around, laughing as they skidded over ice patches and stumbled into fenceposts.

The dress shop they wanted to try was at the far end of the high street and they passed the much better known Gladrags' Robes which was full to the brim with what seemed like every female student that attended Hogwarts.

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