33 - the Third Task

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The mountain loomed high in the distance, its ragged peaks scraping the clouds. Snow dusted the summit and gave way to miles of crumbling rockface.

Emmy had been at base camp with the rest of the champions since 6.30am but the spectators were only just making their way there now.

The third task of the Triwizard tournament was finally here and the atmosphere was electric. Wind whistled through the valley and storm clouds brewed on the horizon as everyone huddled together to keep warm in the stands.

Sirius looked up at the mountain in apprehension; it seemed impossibly high and foreboding, and if he looked hard enough he could see glimpses of creatures and enchantments laying in wait for the champions.

The thought of Emmy having to battle them, the elements and the other Triwizard champions made him want to grab her and run right back to the castle. It was torture enough seeing her hurt on full moons, but it could get even worse than that if this didn't go her way today.

There was twenty-five minutes until the task would begin so he muttered to James where he was going and pushed through the crowds towards the champions tent. He slipped in the back and looked around.

"Florent!" he hissed at the back of the Beauxbatons champion.

He immediately looked round and relief flooded his face.

"There you are! I was just about to go and find you, I think she's panicking a bit. You need to get back there," Florent replied, dragging him around the partition.

He immediately spotted Emmy sitting with her head in her hands, Amos patting her back awkwardly and handing her a water bottle.

Bellatrix was brooding in the corner and glared as Sirius walked in but he caught a glint of gratefulness passed across her expression as he rushed over to Emmy.

"Ems, what's wrong?" he asked aghast, kneeling in front of her. He was shocked to see her tear-stained face look up at him.

Her hands were shaking and she immediately dived on him, holding on tight.

"I can't do it, Sirius. I can't."

"Yes, you can. You know you can. What's this all about?"

"I- I just don't want to do it. What if something happens and someone gets hurt again? What if I get hurt again?"

Holding her in his arms, he caught the others' eyes.

"Can you give us a minute?"

They nodded and moved away discretely.

"Look at me Emmy," he said firmly, pulling away. He held her face in his hands and stared deep into her eyes.

She refused to meet them so he shook his head and repeated, "Emmy, I mean it! Look me in the eyes."

Finally she did as he asked and he struggled to speak his next words, so overcome by the terror in them.

"You are Emeline Lupin. That means you're a warrior, you win fights, you don't surrender when it gets hard. I've seen you face death so many times and send him running, you can do it again."

"I can't. Not anymore," she sniffled.

"I won't let you back down from this. Not now. Not when you've come so far."

She wiped the tears from her eyes and tried to take deep breaths.

Sirius continued, "I know you're exhausted, and you're scared too. But after this, it's over. Remus is going mad with worry out there, but he knows how strong you are. That's what's keeping him going. This is your chance, Emmy. Your chance to become the Triwizard champion and tell Greyback, tell the world, that no matter what life throws at you, you'll bloody catch it and throw it right back."

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