11 - my love

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Remus and Emmy spent the rest of the day in the hospital wing recovering. The injuries were minimal but the adrenaline and lack of sleep always left them feeling shaky.

As they had arrived back at the castle that morning she managed to persuade Sirius to get his shoulder looked at by Madam Pomfrey. The skin had bloomed to a deep purple in the few hours since it had dislocated and he couldn't hide the low groan that escaped him as he caught her when her feet gave out on the steps up to the infirmary.

She hated that it was her fault but he was insistent that he would do it every night if he had to, if it meant she was safe.

"Besides," he said. "I look really badass with all these scrapes and bruises."

She laughed and ruffled his hair.

"If you say so."

Madam Pomfrey wrapped his shoulder tightly and applied an ice pack to reduce the swelling before he headed to class with the James and Peter. He flashed her a charming smile as he left and she shook her head fondly. She turned over in bed and caught Remus' eye from across the room.

He was smirking at her with a knowing look on his face.


"Nothing," he laughed.


James, Sirius and Peter made it to History of Magic ten minutes late, but thankfully there were no questions asked and it was the easiest class to doze through. At lunchtime they went back to the hospital wing to see the twins and brought food from the Great Hall.

Their face lit up at the sight of their friends and, feeling like her stomach was about to tear itself apart, Emmy lunged for the sandwiches James passed her.

"Sorry, I know you like the steak sandwiches around this time of month, but I could only find ham," smirked James.

She flipped him off as she dug her teeth into the bread, sighing with happiness.

Peter was showing Remus the notes he took for them in the mornings classes as James took the chair between the two beds. Sirius sat on Emmy's bed and loosened his tie, reaching over her to the box of peppermint toads she loved so much.

"So, Em," he said slyly. "Anything you want to tell us about the Astrals' next prank?"

James was looking at her with an almost dog-like expression, wide-eyed and impatient.

"Oh my god, guys, I've literally just been through a 'traumatic experience,' as Madam P so likes to call it, give me a break!"

"Well that may or may not have been our strategy," muttered Sirius twisting away as Emmy reached to smack him on the back of the head. They both snickered at her fury and Remus looked over.

"Hope you're not bothering my little sister?"

"You're only older by eleven minutes," she said indignantly.

"Semantics, I'm trying to get them to leave you alone!"

"Well I can do that myself thank you very much, you doddery old man," she shot back.

The Marauders sniggered as Madam Pomfrey hurried over to shush them.

"You know you have to leave if you aren't letting my patients rest, boys," she scolded.

As the nurse walked away Emmy grinned.

"Yeah, Sirius," she mimicked.

He raised an eyebrow, "Mature, love. Really mature."

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