65 - a dark night sky

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As Emmy and Regulus left the coffee shop later that evening, he held the door open for her. She pulled her jacket around her tightly, barely able to look in his direction.

What Regulus had told her was monumental; that he'd had a change of heart and he was going to try and flee before the Dark Lord realised. She had begged him to come back to the flat so they could protect him, insisted the Order would help, but he had point blank refused.

So she was going to race home and tell Sirius herself. He deserved to know and while he might never forgive her for meeting with Regulus in secret, it was a shadow in the dark compared to saving his brother.

He had told her he needed to go back to Grimmauld Place to collect something which meant Sirius might still have a chance of finding him before he disappeared. Though he wouldn't tell her what it was, it was important enough that Voldemort could never get his hands on it. Her mind was whirling as she puzzled what it could possibly be, but she didn't have a clue.

It was a beautiful evening, lights flickering in the park nearby, but the darkness seemed worse than ever.

As they continued along the street, Regulus insisting on walking her to the train station, Emmy was struck by the silence around them.

She realised he was looking at her and glanced up. Instead, he was staring at something over the top of her head, brow furrowed.

She whirled round as he pulled his hood down to hide his face and noticed the black fog creeping along the ground from below the park fence, through the trees. Her wand was out in seconds, back to back with Regulus as they instinctively moved to protect each other.

"It's Bellatrix," he growled. "And a couple others too I think."

"Regulus, you can't be here, you need to run. They can't know you were meeting me."

"I'm not leaving you, Emmy," he growled. "Sirius would kill me himself, besides that's my nephew you're carrying."

With a swoop of her wand, she sent her patronus billowing up into the night sky.

If the worst were to happen, she wanted the Order there immediately and it was not a moment too late as the first spells started raining down on them.

She screamed with effort as she fended off curses from every direction. She couldn't even see how many people were there. There seemed to be about five or six surrounding them and they were relentless.

Glancing around frantically, she spotted a gap between some cars that they could shelter behind.

"Over here," she cried, casting the strongest shield she could muster to buy them time to run for cover.

Regulus swung down beside her as she panted heavily, trying to ignore the pain radiating from her belly.

Wincing at the sounds of more cracks of apparition, dreading the arrival of more death-eaters, she was surprised at the noise of volleying spells colliding and peaked over the bonnet to see Edgar Bones, Hestia, Axel, Lily, James and Sirius fending off their attackers.

"Emmy!" Sirius yelled, looking around wildly for her as he fought of Avery.

"I'm here, I'm alright," she cried, cradling her bump as she stood up.

As soon as he'd seen her, he's face melted in relief. James covered him for a moment and he sprinted towards her. She shrieked as she noticed Mulciber running after him and screamed for him to duck as she cast bombarda maxima, sending the death-eater crashing over the fence into the park.

Sirius stood up in shock, glancing behind him quickly before he ran the rest of the distance to her and launched into her arms. He swiftly pulled her round the corner of the building to shelter from the battle continuing behind them and held her tightly as he checked her over, hair messy and panting for breath.

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