20 - a 34% chance of death

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The scenery flew past the window as Emmy and Sirius strolled along the corridor to the railing at the back of the Hogwarts express. The hillsides were vibrant shades of red and orange with swathes of yellow gorse and blooming heather. Stag lifted their heads as they swept past and eagles soared over the snow-dusted mountaintops in the distance.

Sirius opened the carriage door and a cold biting wind swung at them. They stepped out and leant against the railing of the tiny balcony that extended out of the back of the train. There was less than an meter of space and it was littered with leaves and rusting metal bolts.

Emmy leant back against Sirius' chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed the top of her head.

"It's so beautiful isn't it?"

"Yeah, it really is," Sirius murmured.

"What's wrong?" she asked. It was a simple question but one with many layers. Something was bothering him, something worse than usual.

"Nothing, it's nothing," he replied, glancing down at her and smiling before looking at the hills again distractedly.

"Don't give me that crap. You know I can see right through you."

"Oh, can you now?" he said, amusement tugged at the corners of his mouth.

She looked at him expecting his usual glorious smile but his usual openness and arrogance was gone. His jaw was set and his whole face seemed tense. He was holding onto her more tightly than usual, like he was afraid she would slip away from him.

He sighed before continuing, "It's just my parents. It's fine, the usual. Nothing I can't handle."

He let go of her slowly and rested his hands over the railing, leaning his weight back. The wind caught in his hair and strands of it blew across his face carelessly.

"Regulus is already falling into their traps and sick of it. They taint everything they touch pretending like they're so much better than everyone else."

"I know I haven't spoken to him much before, but if there's anything I can do..."

"No, no way. I already tried that with him and look what it got me," he spat, pulling up his shirt to reveal dark bruises and slice marks. "Mother dearest made me jump off the third-floor balcony under the imperius curse for daring to tell Regulus that Corban Yaxley had killed that poor muggleborn family in cold blood."

Emmy felt like she was going to throw up.

"Why didn't you tell me it was getting this bad? You could have come to stay with Remus and I for the holidays or something!"

He just shook his head, "No, if I'm there it takes the focus off Regulus. It's me or him, and I refuse to leave him alone with them. It's bad enough that Malfoy's taken him under his wing, filling his head with lies."

"Oh god," she replied rubbing her hands over her face, "Do Euphemia and Fleamont know?"

"I can't tell them, Ems. You know they'll confront my parents. People would get hurt."

"You're getting hurt and I've a good mind to go and have a word with them myself. You can't live like this Sirius!" she burst.

"I can't leave Regulus, he'd take the mark within the month. They'd do anything to get me on their side, never mind both of us," he replied grimly.

"But you'd never take the mark?" She said, confused.

"I might not have a choice, Ems."


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