15 - for eternity

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In the weeks that followed, Emmy and Sirius only seemed to grow further apart. After a series of arguments that always involved one of them storming out, they realised something needed to change.

By the time the month was up, their friends were well and truly fed up with their fighting. Neither of them had told anyone what they were fighting about, the reasons were obvious, but everyone could tell it was serious.

Just a month ago, the two of them had been kissing on the dancefloor and now they couldn't stay in the same room together for more than a minute.

Meanwhile, Emmy found herself spending more time with Dirk. He was just so easy to be around, so patient and understanding. They went on more dates to Hogsmeade and had even kissed a couple of times. But no matter how many times she tried to push Sirius' infuriatingly handsome face out of her mind he stayed there. And despite their argument, she knew she didn't want him to leave.

One cold and snowy night before the end of term, Lily and Remus decided that enough was enough and dragged their friends down to the quidditch pitch for practice after successfully avoiding each other for weeks.

They both stayed as far away from each other as possible, despite the entire team trying to not so subtly nudge them both closer.

It was the last practise of the year, they went home two days later on the 22nd of December, so after the first half hour of drills, James decided some team building exercises were needed. Well, that and the fact his two chasers hadn't spoken a word to each other.

James gathered him team around and said, "Ok guys, I need you in the air in a circle hovering and ready to jump."

Marlene squealed in excitement and Fabien laughed, shook his head and headed off into the air after her. Gideon, James and Sirius followed suit leaving a more nervous Frank and Emmy on the ground.

Frank muttered, "Why do I even bother with you load of nutters?"

Noticing Emmy stalling he added, "Come on it'll be fine!"

"It's not that," she muttered, grimacing.

"Look I know you and Sirius have been fighting, but he'll come around," he replied quietly, "You'll see."

She offered him a small smile before they lifted off.

"Slightly different plan today, guys, we won't be doing trust jumps," started James.

"Oh, come on!" groaned Marlene in disappointment.

"We're going to practise something new as a team-building exercise."

He continued after a slight pause as everyone glanced between Emmy and Sirius, "I'd like to invite our resident daredevil to go first."

Marlene bowed graciously as everyone cheered for her, eyes lit up like a birthday cake.

"So we're going to practise standing up on our broom like we've all been practising, right guys?" said James pointedly.

Emmy gulped. That was possibly the only thing that she was pretty much completely incapable of doing. She defended her lack of practise with the fact that it should only be used in an absolute emergency i.e. you weren't going to score the goal, according to James.

"And then step from yours to the person's next to you until you get back to your own broom."

Oh shit.

"The fastest time wins my Uric the Oddball chocolate frog card."

Emmy tried not to feel bitter that it was one of the last ones she needed to complete her collection and she had almost zero chance of winning.

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