44 - white Christmas

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One morning in late November, the Astrals rose bright and early to study in the library for their fast approaching exams. Entranced by the warmth of the blazing fires and snow falling past the window, they forgot the time and had to sprint to make it to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom on time.

They arrived completely out of breath and knocked on the door hurriedly.

Professor Dumbledore ushered them in with a bemused smile and handed them buckets of soapy water and cloths.

"Good afternoon, ladies. If you would all take some cleaning supplies and head over to the windows, please. Now I must ask you to refrain from blowing out the glass panes again," he smirked. "They really are quick hard to refit."

Emmy winced. It had been a brilliant prank and they never thought they'd been caught for it. How on earth did he know? Must have been Professor McGonagall, she never had liked that Professor Goshawk.

"As you can see after the incident with some imps and the new ink pots yesterday afternoon, the windows are in need of some cleaning. It shouldn't take you more than an hour."

Indeed, there were many candles lit around the room to make up for the lack of daylight getting through the splattered panes.

"We had this one coming, didn't we?" muttered Lily as she dumped her bucket down next to Emmy's and wrung out a cloth.

She smirked and replied, "Come to think of it, this prank was your idea Lily."

"Touché, it was you that fired the spell," she grinned.

As they were clearing the buckets and cloths away a while later, Dumbledore came out of his office.

"Miss Lupin, a minute please?"

She dried off her hands and walked over as he opened a thick volume on the front desk.

"How can I help, sir?"

"If you take look here, there are some duelling techniques I was planning on teaching the third years on Thursday, and was wondering if you might like to demonstrating a couple with me or perhaps with one of your friends?"

"Marlene, Alice and Lily are best on the offence, but nothing gets past Dory and Mary," she said. "Though it's up to you really, I'm sure they'd love to help."

He looked at her oddly, "And do you all duel often?"

"Oh, they helped me practise for the tournament a lot," she fumbled. And in the forbidden forest every night last week, she smirked secretly.

"Ah I see," he nodded then looked over at the others. "Could I speak to you all for a minute please?"

They looked at Emmy in confusion but set down their buckets and came over.

"I'm going to be teaching my third years some duelling techniques and Emeline here mentioned you all are rather proficient in the field. I was hoping you might agree to a demonstration for them?"

Lily glanced around at her grinning friends, "We'd love to, sir. What would you want us to show them?"

"Well, why don't you have a quick practise now? Show me what you can do."

They decided to go three-against-three with Emmy, Dory and Mary on one team and Alice, Marlene and Lily on the other. On Dumbledore's count they began, Emmy shooting the first flipendo across the room. Alice countered it with a laugh and hit back an expulso until suddenly spells were flying everywhere.

"Petrificus totalus!"

"Everte statum!"

Emmy cast silencio at every opportunity she got. Knowing the others couldn't perform non-verbal magic was a big advantage.

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