9 - the jumper

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The storm was relentless. The next morning was the same as before.

Rain lashed against the windows and the wind howled around the tower, but inside the soaring turrets was a serene oasis, the eye of the storm.

With the girls having made a collective decision to spend the day in the Gryffindor tower, or more specifically their beds, Emmy took it upon herself to go and find them some breakfast. She inhaled the sweet scent of the rain as she opened the windows and felt a smile drift onto her face.

Dressed in her favourite baggy dungarees and a comfy jumper, she pulled on a pair of battered converse and wandered down to the Great Hall, making small talk with the portraits as she passed by.

Load of ancient sods, the lot of them, but they reminded her of all the old folk back in Waterfleet, and that was a comfort of sorts.

The sound of chatter greeted her as she turned the corner into the Great Hall. She immediately spotted the Marauders sitting about halfway down the Gryffindor table; Remus was a head taller than anyone else and James had his broom on the table, a slice of toast hanging out his mouth as he polished it.

"Hello boys," Emmy called cheerily as she reached them.

James attempted to reply and the toast flew out of his mouth, skidding along the table.

"Prongs, mate, that's disgusting," groaned Sirius.

"You know what, thanks for the offer, Potter, but I'm going to get some fresh toast thanks," she laughed.

She grabbed a couple of plates from the stack beside Peter and began piling on pieces of bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, baked beans and haggis.

Sirius smirked, desperately trying not to comment as she balanced a teapot in the crook of her elbow too.

"You a bit peckish?" grinned Remus.

"Oh, no," she replied, her face going red, "It's not all for me, there was no way we were going to get Marlene out of bed before they cleared this away."

As she leaned over to pick up some hash browns, a fried egg fell off the plate onto Peter's head. He jumped and had to fumble to catch it before it fell onto his shoulder.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Peter!" Emmy blurted, looking helplessly around for somewhere to put the plates.

She breathed a sigh of relief as Sirius stood up to help. She murmured a thanks and smiled briefly before clearing her throat and, with a steaming teapot in one hand and her wand in the other said, "Scourify!" and the egg promptly disappeared from Peter's hair.

He blushed a deep pink and gave her an awkward thank you. She turned back around to Sirius had already begun heading to the doors, plates in hand.

"Come on, I'll help you take the food up, Ems," he said.

She snuck a slice of buttered toast from Remus' plate as she called goodbye to the boys, much to his annoyance but it really was too good to resist.

They chatted all the way up to Gryffindor tower and arrived at the girls dormitory just as the clock struck eleven.

"Breakfast is served, ladies," said Sirius waltzing into the room depositing the plates of food on the bedside tables.

Marlene was still lying face down in bed, Mary was trying to darn her quidditch scarf for the game next weekend while Alice and Dory read the Daily Prophet. Lily was sitting at their disaster of a dressing table plaiting her hair and looked up in surprise to see the two of them returning together.

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