12 - who runs the world?

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On Friday there was another team quidditch practise. Since Thursday morning the storm had begun to die down until all that was left in its wake was missing roof slates, shattered windowpanes and very cold Hogwarts students.

Thankfully by the weekend, there was just a slight drizzle and the temperature was finally above freezing.

The Gryffindor quidditch team met in the middle of the field after ten warm up laps, heaving for breath and sticky with sweat.

James looked up from his notes, "Right Frank, I want you to practise the 'starfish and stick' manoeuvre and Marlene you're on 'threading the needle' repetitions. I need them a lot sharper, alright?"

"You got it Captain," she saluted as they head off up the pitch, brooms slung over their shoulders.

He gave a distracted nod as he went back to his notes then looked up, "Chasers and Beaters, on me!"

With that they mounted their brooms and took off into the sky, Marlene and Frank getting on with their respective tasks down at foot of the Ravenclaw stand.

The remaining players flew close together so James could be heard over the wind.

"Right, Fabian and Gideon, I need you to practise the strength of your underarm batting shots today, specifically when you're aiming downwind at chasers. We'll act as targets but please for the love of god do not get anyone injured. I can't face the paperwork."

Sirius and Emmy feigned insult but James barely noticed, too focused on surveying the rest of the team doing their exercises.

The twins circled back down to the shed to look out the extra bludgers, leaving the chasers battling the elements as they warmed up for the session.

"Ok today we're practising moving as a team, dodging, weaving and passing in those formations we went over last week."

Emmy felt a wave of giddiness flood through her body, this was the first practise after the full moon and she was looking forward to feeling normal again.

James spotted the twins approaching them with bludgers tucked under each arm and nodded grimly. Letting beaters take open hits at you was dangerous regardless of their skill level, but the Prewetts were acknowledged, whilst reluctantly by the other quidditch teams, as the best beaters in Hogwarts' history.

"On your count, boss," Gideon called, taking his position opposite his brother, either side of the chasers.

With a nod from James, the chasers moved into the agreed position with their captain in the middle and Sirius and Emmy on either side.

"Just keep close, Lupin. You're a hell of a flyer, you've just got to make it count when you have a bludger aimed at you. We've had too many close calls with you recently," James muttered, glancing over at her.

"Yes, Captain."

He breathed in and Emmy braced herself for the sharp yell that followed, "THREE!"

The students in the stands went silent with baited breaths.


Fabian and Gideon gripped the bludgers tighter.


The air became electric and in the second that seemed to last eons, Emmy breathed out steadily, calming her nerves.

"GO!" he roared, and the four bludgers were released. The three chasers moved in unison, speeding up the pitch as they alternated the quaffle across the line.

The first bludger came within inches of Sirius' broomstick and he ducked under James to take the point, throwing the ball to Emmy.

The second came quickly and far too close to James' head to be safe, so he swerved back and round to her other side.

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