54 - one summer's day

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When Emmy returned to her flat the next morning, she felt lighter than she had in a long time. They had both agreed that there was no way they could live there right away but they could decorate it for when they could be there together after the war.

She opened the storm doors with a creek, wincing at the noise as she noticed Lily and James asleep on the sofa. Some bitter part of her envied them, lying there in each other's arms, not having to worry about who would see them together. She banished that thought from her mind quickly; it was no ones fault but her own that she'd fallen in love with Sirius, not that there was much she could do about it anyway.

She smiled softly and tiptoed past them to her bedroom.

"Emmy, is that you?" came a murmur.

She stilled.

"Are you alright? We didn't know where you went after the battle."

It was James, eyes opening blearily at the morning light streaming through the windows.

"Sirius and I apparated to Andromeda's. It was the first place we thought of, he was pretty roughed up."

"Shit, really? He okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine," Emmy smiled briefly. "I'm knackered though, I'm gonna take a shower."

"Alright, I'll make breakfast," he nodded, moving a sleeping Lily carefully off his chest and onto the sofa. "You like banana pancakes?"

Emmy grinned. "Love them."


Three days later, Lily stood in front of the mirror tugging at the hem of her dress. It was a soft lilac colour, one that contrasted with her hair perfectly. Emmy stood behind her pinning up the wayward tendrils of her hair with elegant pearl clips.

"Stop fussing! You look beautiful, Lils," she murmured.

"I don't know why I'm even bothering. It's the first time I've seen Petunia in almost a year and last time she didn't even speak to me."

"Hey, she invited you to her wedding for a reason."

"My mother probably made her," Lily rolled her eyes.

"Don't say that. I've only met your sister a few times but even I know she wouldn't do anything she didn't want to, even if your mother asks."

She stepped back as she finished her hair.

"Besides, you'll have James with you if all else fails."

"Is he here yet?"

"Think he's having a drink with Mars and Remus in the kitchen."

Lily visibly relaxed.

"Oh good," she murmured. "Can you let him know I'll be there in two mins."

"Of course," Emmy replied, sensing her friend just needed a second to gather herself before they left.

She closed the door behind her and wandered down the hallway to the kitchen, growing closer to the sound of their talking.

Emmy turned the corner to the sight of Marlene and Remus arguing over James' bowtie.

He looked deeply nervous with their hands at his neck and he glanced over with wary eyes at the sound of her footsteps on the floorboards.

Help me, he mouthed desperately. She snorted in laughter and the others looked over.

"Ah Emmy, will you come and tell Remus that I'm right!" Marlene called.

"Excuse me, I think you'll find that I'm right!"

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